Many parents claim that their child is hyperactive. But is it always so. Sometimes this is just a general opinion, which implies that the child could be more calm and assiduous.

It is worth agreeing that if a child is constantly sitting, that is, behaving inactively, then this is also not entirely normal and it is not entirely correct to consider this as a norm. But do not confuse two different concepts, since the child's mobility is completely normal, and hyperactivity is already a diagnosis. In medicine, it is commonly called "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" ADHD.
This is really a disease, since there is a violation of some functions in the central nervous system. It is conventionally divided into two concepts, namely, primary and secondary. Primary - occurs from the moment the baby is born. Secondary, in turn, caused by complications after the disease. In the presence of this syndrome, the child cannot concentrate his attention on anything, and besides that, it is quite difficult for him to even sit in one place for several minutes.
The syndrome can have a different form, so, practice is known for attention deficit without hyperactivity and hyperactivity itself without attention deficit. But most often there is a combination of these concepts.
It is quite difficult for an overactive child to complete the work he has begun. He always throws it incomplete, and immediately switches his attention to something else. Especially great difficulties in this regard arise in the process of teaching a child. According to statistics, about 5% of children succumb to the problem of attention deficit. Most of this number are boys. In addition, their hyperactivity has a pronounced form.
The main signs of hyperactivity in young children include:
• poor sleep;
• a high degree of irritability to external factors;
• the presence of chaotic movements.
In some cases, due to the presence of hyperactivity, the child does not fully develop. This means that he begins to sit up and walk much later than children without deficiency. The kid cannot correctly coordinate his movements and therefore he often drops objects and speaks poorly.
Parents of children with ADHD should be patient and always remember that this is primarily a disease. And this means that it is necessary to treat the child with understanding and do not scold him.