Every mom has her own scary first time. The first illness of the baby, the first temperature. Most often, young mothers are terribly scared. Calls to friends, relatives and, of course, to an ambulance begin. Different advice comes from all sides. However, strangely enough, hardly anyone will advise you not to panic and calm down, and this is the most important thing.

If your baby has been temping for the first time, calm down first, because your condition is immediately transmitted to the baby!
Temperature measurement
You need to figure out what kind of temperature the baby has. By the way, it is better to measure the temperature with a good old mercury thermometer, nothing that the process will take longer, but an accurate result is guaranteed, unlike modern electronic thermometers.
If the temperature is less than 37 degrees inclusive, even if it reaches 37, 5, do not worry. For small children, such periodic fluctuations are quite acceptable. Only periodic! Of course, if a baby's temperature over 37 degrees is constant for several days and the reason for this is unknown, you should definitely consult a doctor.
However, it is impossible to bring down such a temperature with any medication. In general, doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature below 38 degrees. The exception is absolutely infants and toddlers with established serious illnesses. In their case, it is necessary to bring down the temperature with special preparations immediately, as soon as it reaches 37.5 degrees.
A doctor's call is especially necessary if the child's temperature has risen above 38 degrees. Even if such a jump is a consequence of vaccination, which could have been warned about in advance. In this case, it is better to play it safe once again and call a doctor or an ambulance.
So, at temperatures above 38 degrees, you must definitely call a doctor! Until he arrives, we help the baby cope with the fever.
How to bring down the temperature. First aid
1. Undress your baby and wipe his body with warm water, you can add a drop of vinegar to it. Do not use cold or hot water or alcohol. Such rubdowns can lead to the fact that the temperature rises more, and the beginning of the disease will worsen. You can not wipe the whole body of the crumbs, if he really does not like it, it is enough to moisten some parts: feet, legs, groin, armpits and neck. This procedure should be continued for 15-20 minutes.
2. If, along with the temperature, the baby's general physical condition has deteriorated (he began to shiver, pallor, muscle pain appeared), immediately give him a child antipyretic. Just read the instructions carefully and follow the dosage according to the age and weight of the child. Dress your baby in cotton, lightweight clothing. There is no need to undress the baby, the chills may intensify.
3. Give your child water to drink as often as possible. If he is still getting breasts, apply him to the chest often. You should not force the child to drink. If the baby refuses water and milk, be sure to inform the doctor about it.