What Kind Of Music Do Babies Fall Asleep To?

What Kind Of Music Do Babies Fall Asleep To?
What Kind Of Music Do Babies Fall Asleep To?

Young children have their own musical preferences. They fall asleep faster to calm melodic music. But it is better not to put on fast dynamic compositions before going to bed.

What kind of music do babies fall asleep to?
What kind of music do babies fall asleep to?

Being in the mother's stomach for nine months, the child heard a variety of sounds. Even after birth, he falls asleep better to some musical accompaniment - everything is individual.

Natural sounds

Young children happily fall asleep to sounds that remind them of the time they were in the womb. These include natural sounds emanating from the people closest to him: mother's heartbeat, her singing, the voices of her father, grandmother, grandfather.

The sounds of nature and those close to them also contribute to a good falling asleep of the baby: regularly flowing water, dripping rain, ticking clock, working chronometer.


The rating of melodies that help the child to fall asleep is headed by lullabies. You can sing them yourself, or you can record them on audio. The special intonation of the voice has a calming effect on the baby, he hears his mother and falls asleep sweetly.

A mother singing a lullaby to her child establishes a certain spiritual connection between the two. The kid, accustomed to hearing the singing mother at the same time, is waiting for this, and having heard the familiar tunes, he relaxes.

Classical music

You can talk about the peculiar musical tastes of a small child. In search of the best sleep melody, you need to choose those that will lull your baby to sleep. Thus, it is known that young children fall asleep well to classical music, the tempo of which accelerates and slows down gradually, without sharp contrasts. In this sense, the creations of Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach, Haydn, etc. are ideal.

Instrumental music

Toddlers love simple music such as guitar or flute tunes. There are many discs on sale with recordings of instrumental music - you need to choose songs that are pleasing to the ear with a minimum of fashionable arrangements. Such melodies will surely suit your child's taste.

Rap and metal

Some moms claim that their babies sleep well with heavy metal or rap recitative. This is possible, but this is not always due to the fact that children like this kind of music. When the baby has everything in order with the central nervous system, he is healthy, then he does not care what sounds come from the radio or tape recorder - he will fall asleep anyway.

But putting on such music is not recommended in any case - it has a depressing, depressing effect. Over time, psycho-emotional problems may appear. No matter how it may seem to the mother that the "metal" lulls her child, one should turn to his help only in the most extreme cases.
