The baby, who has just been brought from the hospital, sleeps almost all the time. In the first few weeks, parents usually do not have particularly serious trouble laying down. If the baby woke up at night, it means he is either hungry, or wet, or frozen. In order for him to fall asleep again, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the awakening. However, at some point, parents begin to notice that the baby is not particularly willing to fall asleep in the evening, requires motion sickness, does not want to lie alone in the crib. It is necessary to learn to cope with these difficulties, because not only adults, but also the child himself need rest.

Step 1
Teach your child to distinguish between day and night. It's okay that he sleeps almost all the time. During the day, put him to bed in a bright room or outside. In the evening, the curtains must be closed. The kid, of course, still does not understand why you are doing this, but he will get used to the fact that it is light during the day and dark at night. Of course, the light should not be too bright during the day.
Step 2
Teach your child to follow certain procedures. In the evening they bathe him, feed him, sing him a song. How exactly the baby falls asleep is up to you. Some parents rock the baby, others put him in bed with them, and still others leave him alone in the room so that he splashes out his emotions and shouts properly. The best option for both mother and child is when he calmly falls asleep in his bed, and the mother sits next to a book or with handicrafts. The child is calm, he feels protected, because his mother is near. At the same time, mom is not nervous or angry, she also feels calm and peaceful. All other methods have their pros and cons. Constantly rocking a child, you form a not very good reflex in him. The kid is unlikely to want to fall asleep without motion sickness. If suddenly you are not at home one day, other family members simply will not cope with the task assigned to them.
Step 3
Ventilate the room well before bed. Prepare your bed. The infant's crib must be perfectly clean and the linen must be changed every day. By the way, this is why it is not very recommended to put the child to bed with the parents. If you do, make sure your baby has his own sheet.
Step 4
Turn down the volume on your TV. It is not necessary to turn it off completely if you do not want the child to be able to sleep in the future exclusively in complete silence. There may be a small background noise, but there should be no sharp and loud sounds in the apartment. By the way, this also differs night from day - during the day the child sleeps when cars drive outside the window, some of the neighbors have music playing loudly enough, and at night everything usually goes quiet.
Step 5
If the child perceives going to sleep as a ritual, this greatly facilitates the task of the parents. Proceed in a specific order. The baby is fed immediately before bedtime, after bathing. He sometimes even gets used to falling asleep with his chest in his mouth. Don't indulge in this habit. Seeing that the baby is full and naps, calmly remove the breast and put him in the crib. Otherwise, he will suck everything in a dream, and it will be difficult to wean him.
Step 6
Do not leave the room immediately after the child has fallen asleep. It may well be that he is still not sleeping well, and any movement of yours can wake him up. Sit a little while minding your own business.