Disputes about the best position to put the baby in never subside. Each position has its pros and cons.

It is not recommended to lay the baby on his back immediately after feeding. The most ideal option is to first hold the baby upright so that he regurgitates the air swallowed while eating. Then it is better to put him to sleep on his side. The baby himself, of course, will not be able to keep this position. You need to put a roller under your back. You can buy a special pillow for these purposes, or you can put a rolled up diaper. Make sure that the child sleeps alternately on different sides, then his muscular system will develop symmetrically.
The prone position for a newborn is best avoided. The child still does not know how to raise and turn his head, so he can easily bury his nose in the crib, which will make it difficult for him to breathe. In general, it is imperative to lay the baby on the stomach: this enhances intestinal motility, which helps to reduce colic. In addition, it is in the prone position that the child learns to hold and turn his head. All this should be done while the baby is awake. And at first it is better not to sleep on your tummy.
Whether to swaddle a baby is the choice of every mother. Before the birth of your own baby, you can be an ardent opponent of swaddling. But when he is born, it quickly becomes clear how he sleeps better. Some babies cannot calm down and fall asleep until they are tightly swaddled. And some sleep well in rompers and undershirts. Therefore, first of all, focus not on the advice of mothers and grandmothers, but on how it is more convenient for you and your child.
The room where you put your newborn to sleep should be cool and humid. The baby's mucous membrane is very sensitive and is just getting ready to work in the air, so if the air in the bedroom is dry, babies can easily get a runny nose. Excessive mucus secretion in the baby's nose is an attempt by his body to cope with the dry air. A special humidifier can be purchased. But remember that it must be cleaned periodically, as bacteria grow rapidly in a humid environment. You can do without a humidifier by simply laying wet towels on top of the batteries. It is especially important to humidify the air during the period when the heating is on: the batteries dry out the air in the room very much. It is highly discouraged to place the crib next to the battery. This can cause the baby to overheat.
In the period immediately after birth, the baby's body is in the so-called protective mode: although the child hears harsh sounds (even in a dream), it does not react to them. Over time, he will begin to sleep more sensitively. Therefore, look for the golden mean in the noise level during the baby's sleep. On the one hand, you shouldn't tiptoe around the apartment, you can go about your usual household chores. On the other hand, it is also not necessary to turn on loud music and make noise on purpose, this has a harmful effect on the nervous system of a growing child's body. The kid must get used to the background noise that is always present in any apartment: the operation of a washing machine, for example.
Thus, it is better to put the baby to sleep in a position on its side, placing a small roller under the back. The room where the child sleeps should have an optimal noise level, the temperature in the room should not be high, and the air should be humidified.