For most of the day, a newborn baby is in a dream. And happy are those parents whose children do not experience problems with sleep. But if a child does not sleep well, often wakes up, is capricious, this affects not only his health, but also the condition of his parents. How to put your baby to bed and ensure healthy sleep for him and his mom and dad?

Step 1
Compliance is very important for an infant. Always put your baby to bed at the same time. Soon this process will become familiar to him, and the baby will begin to fall asleep on time.
Step 2
Bathe your baby just before going to bed. A warm bath has a relaxing effect, after which the baby will fall asleep faster.
Step 3
Quite often, the child falls asleep next to you, in the parent's bed. And you don't know how to put a baby in his own crib so that he doesn't wake up. By being close to mom, the baby feels her soothing warmth. And if you put him in an unheated bed, he will probably wake up due to the change in temperature. Warm the baby's crib with a heating pad and only then put it in it.
Step 4
Pick up the baby and feed. After the baby is full, do not rush to put him to bed. Rock the baby, humming a little song to him. Rhythmic swaying, the sound of your heart, a quiet melody have a calming effect on the baby and help him fall asleep soundly. It's great if the baby sleeps in the cradle: even if he is capricious at night, you can always calm him down by simply reaching out and shaking the cradle.
Step 5
The child continues to be capricious, and the mother sways and shakes him more in her arms. Everything seems to be in order, in the end, the baby fell asleep. Children are capricious when they are very tired, and your shaking does not relax him, but only prevents him from crying. If you constantly shake your baby strongly, he will get used to this method and will fall asleep only when he is very tired. And you will rock it longer each time, which ultimately will not benefit either you or him.
Step 6
It is very good for young children to fall asleep in the fresh air. Before going to bed, take a walk with your child, and if this is not possible, ventilate the room in which your baby sleeps well.