There are situations when a baby simply does not want to stay in his crib for a minute. Of course, holding your baby in your arms is nice, but when there is not a minute of free time, when your back hurts from a weighty crumbs, and there is simply not enough time for household chores, the question arises: how to wean the child from the hands?

Step 1
Despite the fact that psychologists advise carrying a baby in your arms as much as possible, the ability to practice independently is a very important skill, even for a two-month-old baby. And if your baby has already become "tame", try to delicately and gently wean him from such a habit.
Step 2
First of all, stop grabbing your baby in your arms as soon as he cries or even groans. Try to calm him down in the crib. Talk to him affectionately, pat him on the head, try to interest him in toys. You can sit next to the crib, sing a song to the baby. He must feel your presence.
Step 3
Make your child see you. Try stowing it in a stroller or carrycot and taking it with you to your kitchen or other homework area. Babies who are comfortable sitting can be placed in the highchair, but remember to buckle the baby in for safety reasons. Of course, constantly talking to the baby is also tiring, but at least your hands will be free, and the baby will hear your voice and know that you are there, and will come to his aid at any moment.
Step 4
Hang the toys in the crib while awake so that the child can clearly see them, so that he can reach them with the handles. This will definitely keep the kid busy for a while. Change toys so they don't get bored.
Step 5
If the child is very upset, scared or does not feel well, be sure to take him in your arms, for upbringing you should choose the moment when the baby is healthy and not hungry.
Step 6
Children up to two or three months sometimes ask for their hands because they simply do not have enough of their mother's smell. In this case, such a simple method often helps, like putting a mother's dressing gown in the baby's crib.
Step 7
Try to keep the time your child spends in your arms emotionally. Talk to him, communicate, sing to him. If you are doing household chores together, tell your child what you are doing. As practice shows, the more actively you communicate with the baby, while he is in his arms, the longer time later he can calmly spend alone.