Rocking a baby with a breast sometimes becomes a problem. This issue can be solved by weaning from breastfeeding. However, this process has nothing to do with sleep, so first try teaching your child to fall asleep on their own.

Step 1
Spend more time with your child, play, walk with him. Try to soothe the baby in different ways throughout the day, for example, wear it on your arms, play, hug it. It is important that at the same time you yourself do not feel anxiety, because your condition is transmitted to the baby.
Step 2
Create a bedtime ritual. Have a dad, grandmother, or someone else that the child has affection for put the baby to bed. 30 minutes before bedtime, read books to him, sing a song. There may be protest on the part of the children, but the chances increase when the regime is established? and you do the same thing every day. Alternatively, you can wash your baby before bed and then lay it down.
Step 3
Watch your baby. As soon as he gets tired, give him a chest. Let the feeding time be only 5 minutes, put the baby in bed, calm it down, wear it on handles, but do not feed it. Put it down, it will cry - take it again, this can last from 40 minutes or more. If wearing, pat the back and wait for him to fall asleep. It is important that the deep sleep phase begins, it usually takes about 15 minutes. It is unlikely that it will be possible to lay down the first time, but then success will be more frequent.
Step 4
Set the clock and keep track of the time you feed before bed, and keep it shorter each time. Read the book at the same time, remove your chest and continue reading. After a week, just read the story without giving up the breast. If the baby is sick, put off the habit of sleeping without mother's milk.
Step 5
Get creative with the process. If the child is already one year old, you can think of the milk running away or sleeping at night, and in return give a new toy or cookie. Try to negotiate, many children actively compromise.
Step 6
You can immediately begin to go to bed without a breast. The baby will cry for the first time and ask for milk, but then he will get used to it and will fall asleep on his own, it all depends on your patience.
Step 7
After having a positive experience with laying down during the day, try doing the same at night. As soon as the baby wakes up, pat him on the back and calm him down quietly. You can offer the child water, go to the potty. At first, maybe you will give breast, but over time the baby will stop asking, knowing that mom is there.