Breast milk is the best food for a baby. It provides the baby's body with all the substances necessary for its health and growth; it contains easily digestible iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids and some proteins. The advantages of breastfeeding are obvious, and after the birth of the baby, the mother only needs to establish this process. In this she cannot do without little tricks and, of course, patience and experience.

Step 1
When a mother and a newborn baby are reunited after childbirth, it is important to give them the opportunity to be alone, to get to know each other again. At this time, endorphins are released into the woman's body - hormones of happiness, which contribute to the development of maternal instinct and colostrum. Lactic acidophilus bacteria, antibodies, vitamins and minerals contained in it, entering the child's body, create an immune barrier, protecting the baby from dysbiosis, staphylococcus and other misfortunes. Therefore, make sure that your baby is attached to the mother's breast immediately after birth.
Step 2
To improve breastfeeding, offer your baby the breast as soon as he starts to worry, grunt, and show signs of discomfort. At first, it will be difficult for you to understand whether the baby is really hungry, or he cannot sleep, it hurts. Latching on to the breast will help solve any of these problems. It will take a little time, and you will learn to recognize the real needs of your baby.
Step 3
Breast milk is quickly and easily digested, so you need to feed your baby more often than with artificial feeding. Sometimes you have to do this 6-8 times a day, sometimes 10-12 times. But don't wait for your baby to start crying. This is the very last, desperate crumbs method. He can show his hunger in many other ways: smack his lips, make sucking movements with his tongue and lips, bring his hands to his mouth, etc.
Step 4
Let your baby eat his fill without paying attention to the clock while feeding. The baby can eat constantly or in fits and starts, resting in between. If your baby stops sucking spontaneously, try taking a break. And then offer him the same breasts to enable him to get the fattier hind milk. If the child refuses, then he is already full.
Step 5
At each next feeding, offer the baby another breast - the one that "rested" on the previous one. Try to eat full meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and small snacks in between. Do not forget to drink when you feel thirsty, rest with your child when he sleeps. Naturally stimulates lactation with hot drinks (plain water, tea), as well as close emotional contact with the baby. After feeding, there is no need to pump as milk is produced while the baby is sucking (on request). And it comes as much as the child eats. Most children need to eat at night. By the way, it is nighttime breastfeeding that helps to increase the amount of milk. To make it more comfortable for you, put the baby's crib next to you or sleep together.