Without a doubt, every woman dreams of having a slim, beautiful figure and a toned tummy. In her youth, of course, not a single girl thinks about this, but sooner or later the time comes when she becomes a mother. During pregnancy, a woman gains a lot of extra pounds, which after childbirth leave their unwanted mark on the sides, abdomen and buttocks. However, you can again become the owner of an attractive figure in the shortest possible time.

Step 1
Try to eat right.
It is advisable to reduce to a minimum in the diet of fatty, smoked and high-calorie foods. This will benefit not only your figure, but also the baby you are breastfeeding. You should also not overeat. Eat as many green and red vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish as possible. Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.
Step 2
Avoid stress.
Stress and anxiety often give a person a lot of trouble, one of which is excess weight. In stressful situations, the level of the hormone cortisol rises in the human body, which destroys muscles and impairs metabolism, stimulating the deposition of fat in problem areas.
Step 3
Do any physical activity.
It is important to remember that doing household chores, such as cleaning floors without a mop, dusting in hard-to-reach places, will have a beneficial effect on your figure. Any physical activity will benefit the tummy - brisk walking, jumping rope, exercises with a hoop. Remember that when you twist the hoop, blood circulation and metabolism improve in the abdominal muscles. Try to find time for traditional daily exercises: bending forward, backward, right, left; lifting legs from a position - lying on your back; raising the body while simultaneously pulling the knees to the chest, and the like.