What Is Fetal Washing

What Is Fetal Washing
What Is Fetal Washing

Detachment of the ovum, which is the reason for washing the fetus, does not always end in miscarriage. In most cases, the pregnancy can be maintained. In order to prevent sad consequences, you should know that odorless transparent or whitish discharge is considered normal during pregnancy. Bloody, cheesy, purulent or green discharge indicates deviations in the health of the expectant mother and is a danger to the fetus.

What is fetal washing
What is fetal washing

Washing the fetus in pregnant women: a norm or a pathology?

“I have no periods,” a woman who dreams of a baby informs the gynecologist. Indeed, the absence of menstrual flow in due time often indicates the onset of pregnancy. But what do they mean, these bloody discharge, similar to normal menstruation, soiling the linen of an already pregnant woman?

The term "washing of the fetus" means bloody discharge from the genital tract, which appeared on the days of the alleged menstruation. This phenomenon is not considered very rare, since it occurs in 15% of expectant mothers.

The appearance of menstrual discharge during pregnancy can be accompanied by characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region.

Washing the fetus is not considered a pathology, however, due to its presence, confusion is possible in determining the exact timing of pregnancy. A woman who is not yet aware of the fact of conception can take medications during this period, be influenced by various unfavorable factors, experience stress, thereby harming the developing child.

Most often, bloody discharge from the genital tract in pregnant women is observed in the first trimester. It happens that blood anesthesia occurs at a later date. Some women do not attach importance to this, especially if their usual menstruation did not differ in the duration and abundance of discharge.

Why does fetal washing take place and how dangerous is it?

The main reason for washing the fetus is a violation of the hormonal sphere. Insufficient production of progesterone (the hormone responsible for the termination of menstruation when pregnancy occurs) is a factor that provokes spotting in pregnant women.

Washing of the fetus is a phenomenon inherent in the owners of a two-horned uterus. The development of the fetus occurs in one horn, and menstrual rejection of the endothelial layer from the other horn has no effect on the course of pregnancy.

As for the consequences of washing, the situation can develop in different ways. In the first case, the pregnancy proceeds normally, since the ovum is not damaged in any way.

In the second scenario, the threat exists both for the developing fetus and for the woman carrying it. Due to the detachment of the ovum or placenta, the child dies, and the pregnant woman herself has severe bleeding, which is dangerous to health.

Given such a serious danger, it is better to visit a gynecologist once again to confirm the normal course of pregnancy than to regret your negligence later when the child is lost and your own health is seriously undermined.
