How To Deal With Constipation In A Child

How To Deal With Constipation In A Child
How To Deal With Constipation In A Child

Table of contents:


Constipation in a small child always causes mild anxiety and panic in parents. After all, hard feces can hurt a baby, damage the rectum and cause fear. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with childhood constipation as quickly as possible.

How to deal with constipation in a child
How to deal with constipation in a child


Step 1

Often the cause of constipation in children is a lack of fluid in the child's body. Therefore, first of all, to avoid constipation, give your child more drink. Be sure to give your baby some clean water before each feed.

Step 2

Give your child more vegetables and greens to help relieve constipation and regulate their stool.

Step 3

Dried apricots and prunes will be an excellent remedy in the fight against constipation in children. Pour dried apricots or prunes with hot water, let stand for a while and feed the baby with the received sweet berries. Alternatively, you can give your child carrot or plum juice to drink.

Step 4

You can use the old grandma's method. To do this, give your child 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly to drink on an empty stomach. And 2 more times for 1 teaspoon just before feeding.

Step 5

Glycerin suppositories and enemas are radical measures in case of constipation. But it's better not to start with them right away. Start by lubricating the child's anus with petroleum jelly and using an enema to put a small amount of petroleum jelly in the same place. And only if this does not help, proceed to more painful and unpleasant procedures.

Step 6

If your child has not yet been potty-trained, you can also potty train your baby when dealing with constipation. The main thing is that he understands that pooping in a pot is less painful than in a diaper or past it. The reverse moment is also dangerous. The child may hate the potty as an attribute of pain during bowel movements.

Step 7

And finally, in the fight against childhood constipation, a psychological moment is very important. It is necessary to talk with the child on this topic, no matter what age he is. Of course, it is impossible to solve the problem only with psychological support, but if you do not support the child during this difficult period, this can result in serious health problems and even with the psyche.
