How To Get Rid Of Constipation In Babies

How To Get Rid Of Constipation In Babies
How To Get Rid Of Constipation In Babies

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Constipation is one of the most unpleasant and common problems in newborns. Enzymatic activity and bowel function are still imperfect, children experience discomfort and become restless. Parents need to know how to act correctly to defeat this ailment.

How to get rid of constipation in babies
How to get rid of constipation in babies


  • - specialist consultation (pediatrician, gastroenterologist, surgeon);
  • - nutritional correction;
  • - analyzes;
  • - medications;
  • - enema;
  • - decoctions of herbs.


Step 1

Children in the first months of life should go to the toilet at every meal. If the child has stool less often several times a day or once every few days, then be sure to see a doctor for help. First, visit the pediatrician, he will make a special menu for you (if you are breastfeeding your baby). If you are on artificial feeding, then it is possible to adjust the nutrition (selection of the mixture). If these measures do not help, then you will be referred for a consultation with a gastroenterologist, neurologist and surgeon to exclude pathology.

Step 2

To relieve the child of constipation, lay it out more often on the tummy. From the first days, put the baby on his stomach, first for a few minutes, then increasing the interval. It is beneficial for intestinal motility as well as general development. You can give your child a circular massage of the abdomen to speed up the release of gas from the intestines. Perform the movements with slight pressure, stroking clockwise from the right iliac region along the bowels to the left region for ten minutes. You can also warm up a cloth (diaper) and apply to the baby's abdomen. This will speed up the passing of gas and calm the baby.

Step 3

If, after passing the tests, the doctor prescribes treatment for you, then be sure to go through it. A course of bifidumbacterin will help to populate the child's intestines with useful microflora and relieve unpleasant manifestations of constipation. Can be combined with taking carminative drugs such as Espumisan or Plantex, Sub Simplex or Baby Calm. These drugs will relieve excess gas formation and speed up the digestion process.

Step 4

If nothing helps at all, and there is no stool for more than three days, then you will have to do an enema. For young children, it is best to use a rubber-tipped enema. Make sure that the pear is completely filled with water (or a decoction of chamomile), since you do not need to introduce excess air into the child's intestines. The volume is approximately 100 g of liquid. The water temperature is not lower than body temperature, but not hot either.
