Mothers with two children understand the expression "Groundhog Day" very well. Every day there is a household routine, children's whims and scandals, and most importantly - a catastrophic lack of time. But this problem can be solved by learning how to correctly prioritize and manage your time wisely.

Remove all unnecessary
Learn home time management. All complaints about the lack of time are misdirected. To begin with, decide which cases are initial, and which ones can wait, or they can be completely excluded from your life. Include taking care of children, walking in good weather, and preparing food as necessary tasks. Put cleaning in second place. But TV and the Internet can be safely left for later, and you can temporarily refuse to watch the first one.
Childcare should also include nothing extra. Read less magazines that promote early development from the cradle. There is no need to teach a newborn to read and drag an older one to ten circles. Stop your choice on those that the child really likes and there is a practical benefit from them, and this is no more than two or three. The working hours of the circles and sections should coincide with the time of walks with the youngest child. While the elder is at dancing or karate, you walk nearby, and then you pick him up. And he doesn't need a pool at 8 pm and chess at 9 am, be selfish, think about yourself.
Culinary tricks
In general, when allocating time, there should be less sacrifice. There is no need to walk in the rain or severe frost, it has not benefited anyone yet. There is no need to do wet cleaning every day, just vacuuming is enough. Do not accumulate dirty dishes in the sink. Either wash after yourself and teach all family members to do this, or put it in the dishwasher. And actively use various household appliances that greatly simplify the life of moms. The mega-popular thing now, like a multicooker, should be registered in your kitchen. Takes up little space, cooks tasty and healthy. Leave for a walk, load the multicooker, and when you return, you will receive a delicious lunch or dinner. Spend your free time on yourself. If dad takes the older child to the kindergarten or school in the morning, put the porridge to cook in the evening. And sleep on with the baby with a clear conscience. Dad will be able to get the porridge and feed (you don't even need to heat it). Such "magic wands" include a bread maker, aero grill, a yoghurt maker, and a robot vacuum cleaner.
Stock up on homemade fast food. Always have semi-finished and semi-finished products in the freezer, but only homemade ones. One evening will take you cooking chicken cutlets, "lazy" cabbage rolls, meatballs, "hedgehogs", cheesecakes. Store frozen vegetables and berries, and puff pastry for quick baking. And cook, for example, dinner with the children. This does not mean that they should be given a knife or whisk to knock down. Although this can be entrusted to an older child. The mistake of many mothers is that they cook when the children are sleeping, but this time can be spent on yourself. You and your children will definitely not do a manicure, but you can easily put the chicken in the oven.
Growing together
Try to organize activities for the children together. A common mistake that parents make is the desire to protect a baby from an older child. But they grow together and future relationships are being laid right now. Organize games together. When children are the same or with a small difference, it is easy to do. And what if one is six months old and the other is ten years old? You put the younger one on the developing mat, and sit next to the older one to play Uno, Monopoly, whatever his heart desires. You do your homework the same way. The younger holds a pencil and a separate notebook, and with the older one you solve mathematics.