Your baby is already two months old. Every day, the child's pace of physical development increases, and activity also increases. All this requires an increase in energy resources through nutrition.
Step 1
Due to the age of a wide variety of food, a two-month-old baby cannot have it. His menu during this period does not differ much from the diet of a newborn. Only in connection with the increase in activity does his daily need for milk increase.
Step 2
If the baby is not gaining weight as expected, it will be necessary to see a doctor. Perhaps the child does not have enough milk, then the doctor will advise you to introduce additional food in the form of milk formulas into the diet. If the development is normal, the baby is gaining weight, then there is no need for additional nutrition. An indication that a child needs more milk can be his energy and interest in the world around him.
Step 3
Artificial milk is available on the market in a sufficient range. Most formulas can be given to a child from the first days of life, even to those who are prone to allergic reactions.
Step 4
Under no circumstances should you add porridge or cow's milk to your child's menu during this period, as these products can lead to allergies, impaired bowel function, and various blood diseases.
Step 5
In order for a child to receive adequate nutrition, a nursing mother must carefully monitor her diet. To do this, you need to eat right, walk more in the fresh air, and have a good rest.
Step 6
Although the amount of food usually depends on the health and appetite of the baby, the calculation in the second month of life should be based on body weight. This is about 1/5 part. Then the daily rate gradually decreases. A child should drink about 800 ml of milk per day for 5-6 feedings.
Step 7
Often, experts advise not to limit feeding the child in terms of time and quantity - the child receives food at the very first request. This practice also has positive aspects, since at this age the baby is completely defenseless and close constant contact with the mother is very important for him.