A similar question torments many mothers. In order to determine how much milk or formula a child needs in the first months of life, simple calculations can be made, which depend on the age and weight of the baby.

Scientific literature for new mothers and pediatrician consultation
Step 1
In the first ten days of a child's life, the amount of feeding depends on the physiological capacity of his stomach. The stomach volume of a newborn baby is only seven milliliters. By the fourth day of life, it increases almost four times and is already forty milliliters. On the tenth day - almost ninety milliliters. And by the end of the first month, the volume of the baby's stomach is about one hundred milliliters.
Step 2
Calculations for determining the amount of feeding can be conditionally divided into two groups. Each of them determines its own way of calculating the amount of food for the child. The first is up to ten days of a newborn's life. The second - from ten days of the life of the crumbs and up to a year.
Step 3
During the first ten days of a child's life, the calculation of the amount of food is made according to the following formula: N * 10. Where N is the number of days in the child's life. This is the easiest way to determine the amount of food.
Step 4
If, for example, the amount of feeding is calculated by the weight of the child's body, then this can be done using two options. First: with a baby's body weight of 3, 2 kilograms and below, the volume is calculated by the formula: N * 70. For example, if a child weighs 3.1 kilograms on the fifth day of life, then the daily amount of food will be 5 * 70 = 350 milliliters. In order to find out how much a child should eat at a time, we divide this number by eight, since the baby should eat on average 8 times a day, that is, returning to the above example, 350/8 = 45 milliliters.
Step 5
Second: if a child weighs more than 3, 2 kilograms up to 10 days of life, then the daily amount of food is determined by the formula: N * 80. For example, a child on the seventh day weighs 3, 8 kilograms, then the daily amount of food will be 7 * 80 = 560 milliliters.
Step 6
The calculation of the daily amount of food for a baby from ten days to a year of life is determined by the following formulas: from ten days to six weeks - 1/5 of the child's body weight; from six weeks to four months - 1/6; from four to six months - 1/7; from six to eight months - 1/8; from eight to twelve months - 1/9.
Step 7
It should be remembered that the daily amount of food for a child under one year old should not exceed 1, 2 liters. Such formulas for calculating baby feeding can be applied to those who are bottle-fed. In order not to overfeed the newborn, you need to monitor how much he is gaining weight. If in a week the increase was more than three hundred to three hundred and fifty grams, then this is a consequence of overfeeding the child.