Mindfulness is one of the most important indicators of a child's perception of information. It is directly related to memory. Its level is reflected in the performance of children, both in kindergarten and at school, and even in sports education.

Step 1
The development of a child must be dealt with from birth. And the development of the crumbs' attentiveness should be given as much time as possible and a lot of effort should be made at any age. Mindfulness can be developed through games, specific tasks and techniques.
Step 2
This quality always requires replenishment and it must be trained regularly, starting from birth, then in kindergarten and at school, one should not forget about it. This can be done in such an interesting way that the child himself will ask you to complete some tasks or play a certain game.
Step 3
For children from 2 years of age, an excellent task will be "Guess what is not." Take cubes or balls of different colors, let the child arrange them as he likes. Then ask the child to turn away, take one item and the child must say what and what color you took. You can also do it using your favorite crumbs toys.
Step 4
While walking on the street, draw his attention to some objects, for example, cars of certain colors. And when you come home ask what he saw during the walk. Ask the child to tell him something else he saw during the walk. Ask what color the slide was, or what color were the buckets and shovels for the children in the sandbox. This exercise can be used from ages 2, 5 and up to about 3, 5 years.
Step 5
From 3-4 years old, you can give a task to a child so that he remembers the clothes of one of the children in kindergarten. When the child begins to quickly cope with this task, ask him to remember the clothes of 2-3 children, or two children and a teacher. This activity provides a positive dynamic in teaching mindfulness.
Step 6
At a later age, you can use an exercise in which you need to find several differences in similar pictures. There are many books on sale with pictures and tasks of such a tapa.
Step 7
Children really like the game "watch the flag". Prepare flags of different colors. Agree with your child that when you raise the red flag, he should clap his hands, the blue one should jump, the green one should lie on the floor, etc. Children, playing this game, are very happy and get a lot of positive emotions, and at the same time their attentiveness develops.
Step 8
A great exercise is What Has Changed. It can be played with the whole family and is also suitable for playing in a group. If you are working with your child at home, then ask him to remember well everything in the room, including everyone present. Ask the child to go out, change something in the interior, for example, hang or hang curtains, turn over the chair. Change something about yourself, for example, put on a hat or roll up one leg. The child will not only be interested in this game, but it will also perfectly affect the development of attention and memory of the baby.
Step 9
Also, there are special techniques such as, for example, Montessori. With its help, thinking, memory and attentiveness develop. The basic principles are self-fulfillment of exercises that take place in the form of a game. This technique is based on an individual approach to each child: he himself chooses the material and duration of classes, gives his own rhythm. What distinguishes this technique from others is that it allows the child to see and correct his mistakes for himself. And her role is in the leadership of the independent activity of the child.
Step 10
Give your baby as much time as possible to develop. Give him tasks and make them harder as he develops. Then with the formation of mindfulness in the crumbs, you will not have problems.