Currently, there are many discussions about the need to supplement a breastfed baby with any liquid (compotes, water, juices). WHO recommends doing this only in case of extreme heat in the summer, since under normal conditions the child has enough fluid received from breast milk, which he absorbs better than anything else. Some pediatricians still consider milk to be food and recommend giving children water or homemade compotes.

Step 1
If you want to cook compote for babies, it is best to use dried fruits - prunes and dried apricots. You can also take raisins, but like grapes, they can have a negative effect on the intestines, so use this product carefully.
Step 2
Dried fruits contain enough natural sugar, so there is no need to add crystal sugar to compote for a small child. Most of the vitamins in the drink will be preserved if you do not cook the compote, but pour boiling water over the dried fruits? and it will be infused for several hours.
Step 3
When cooking compote, you should put dried fruits (or fruits, berries) in boiling water, so you again save more vitamins. It is not necessary to keep the compote on the fire for a long time, 5-10 minutes is enough. At the same time, the compote loses more vitamins than with the usual infusion in boiling water, but the fruit gives off more sugar and taste to the liquid, therefore the boiled compote becomes more saturated.
Step 4
On average, 200 grams of fruit or berries requires 1 liter of water. However, the proportions are influenced by the choice of specific fruits, since they contain different amounts of sugar, and the compote may turn out, for example, too sour and concentrated. Dried fruits should be taken about 2 times less.