Physical activity comes first. It would seem that children have no problems with this, because they are constantly running and jumping somewhere, but it is still better to take control of the child's physical education. We will try to choose the optimal load option that will fit into the baby's life without any problems.

Step 1
Everything is simple here. There can be no restrictions on walking. Go together to the park, to the forest, go to the quiet streets of the city. This type of activity can be successfully combined with household chores, for example, go to the store you have been planning to visit for a long time. Don't waste your time: learn new words in English or repeat the multiplication table. Walk to and from school. But don't overdo it. Let each walk take no more than 1-2 hours.
Step 2
Clean air and no cars are the main advantages of winter entertainment. After all, usually for skiing or sledding you need to go out of town. Skiing makes the whole body work: arms, legs, torso. This promotes all-round development, the child will become hardy, strengthen the immune system, become stronger and improve coordination of movements. It is recommended to ski once a week, no more than 50 minutes. Long training sessions at a professional level are not desirable.
Step 3
Swimming will help to harden the body, improve metabolism, and evenly distribute the load throughout the body. Swimmers can be seen from afar: correct posture, strong stature and healthy appearance. This sport is good not only for physical
development. Water takes away stress and tension, has a beneficial effect on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Step 4
Football, basketball or volleyball is all about speed, reaction, accuracy, as well as the development of team spirit and discipline. The selection of duration, intensity and professionalism is relatively individual. Children with poor health are not recommended to get involved in such emotional and exhausting sports. But we know many examples when diabetes did not interfere with conquering sports peaks for those whom many now consider idols and stars.
Step 5
Perhaps the most versatile, versatile and affordable sport. Basically, it does not require special uniforms and equipment. Classes are usually held outdoors. And the weather and the time of the year do not play a special role. You can always captivate your child with something new, because he is always interested in everything. Play badminton or tennis, rollerblading and cycling. The main thing in this matter is control. Do not forget that any innovation must be agreed with the doctor.