Undiluted freshly squeezed juice is not always drinkable. Many pure fruit juices have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel and stomach walls. Pure vegetable juices have a laxative effect.

Freshly squeezed juices, despite their usefulness, may pose some health risks. That is why many experts advise to dilute freshly squeezed juices with water or other juices.
Why is fresh juice dangerous?
First of all, freshly squeezed citrus juices contain a huge amount of acids that can negatively affect the condition of the stomach and liver. But if there are no special contraindications, then it is not necessary to dilute such juices with water. A good combination is citrus juice and fiber-rich fruit juice (such as apple or pear). And it is recommended to dilute grapefruit with orange so that the concentration is optimal for the body.
Secondly, some freshly squeezed juices have a laxative effect. For example, undiluted beet juice can cause severe diarrhea. Undiluted pomegranate juice is not only a laxative, but also a quick way to destroy tooth enamel. In view of the strong concentration, such juice is drunk only with diluted water.
Thirdly, some types of juices are contraindicated for people with various chronic diseases. For example, patients with diabetes mellitus should not drink freshly squeezed grape juice in undiluted form. It is highly discouraged to drink apple and cabbage juices with exacerbated gastritis and pancreatitis, peptic ulcer diseases.
How to dilute and what
It is recommended to dilute apple juice from green varieties with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Mixing freshly squeezed apple juice from red varieties with peach or apricot juice is allowed. This combination is optimal for perception not only for the stomach, but also for the tooth enamel.
Carrot juice is not diluted with water. It is usually mixed with other fruit or vegetable juices. For example, with apple or pumpkin juice. It is not recommended to often consume carrot juice in its pure form, since it has a laxative effect, and also frequent use can affect the color of the skin and tooth enamel.
Cabbage juice is diluted with water before use in combination: two parts of juice - one part of water. Mixing requires extremely warm boiled water. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice with pulp is often diluted with water or other juice. For example, apple or carrot.
To make fruit or vegetable juices more beneficial, it is advisable to mix them with each other or dilute them with water. Fruit juice with pulp is rarely diluted with water, since the pulp envelops the walls of the stomach well, protecting it from acids.