Semolina porridge is a delicious dish that is often associated with childhood. However, in recent years, pediatricians have recommended abandoning the introduction of such a product into the diet of babies. This milk porridge is undesirable in the menu of children under one year old, therefore, it is not suitable as a first complementary food.

Mothers and grandmothers of modern parents, as the first complementary foods, most often offered children not only vegetable and fruit purees, but also cereals. First of all, semolina. After all, such milk porridge is well and quickly absorbed, the cereal does not need to be chopped. But today, doctors advise removing sweet semolina from the diet of babies, because this porridge can be harmful.
Semolina is not recommended for the first feeding, because it contains a lot of starch - up to 70%. The fully undeveloped digestive system of the baby is not able to cope with the digestion of such an amount of carbohydrates, therefore, semolina is difficult for babies to assimilate.
Also, semolina porridge is criticized by pediatricians, because it contains a minimum of vitamins and microelements. It lacks fiber, so the dish will not stimulate bowel cleansing. It is important that semolina is very high in calories, frequent use of the product can lead to obesity.
Another disadvantage of semolina is that it contains phytin. This substance is rich in phosphorus, which binds calcium salts. This means that sweet and seemingly healthy semolina does not allow calcium, which is valuable for the development and growth of babies, to be absorbed in the proper volume.
Do not forget that semolina is prepared with milk. For the first feeding, dairy-free and gluten-free cereals, which do not apply to semolina, are ideal. It is best to cook buckwheat, rice, industrially prepared corn porridge for the introduction of complementary foods for babies. Dishes based on cow's milk are generally undesirable in the diet of babies up to one year old.
It is possible to talk about the harmfulness of semolina as gluten based on the fact that the protein gluten or gliadin interferes with the absorption of nutrients. This substance leads to thinning of the intestinal mucosa, its dysfunction. Harmful gluten can cause celiac disease when a child stops gaining weight and their muscles become thinner. Gluten is also a common source of allergies.
When preparing semolina porridge for crumbs, remember about the possibility of individual intolerance to cow's milk protein and cereal proteins. After all, semolina is a by-product in the manufacture of wheat flour.
Semolina porridge, despite some drawbacks, still belongs to dietary products. But as a complementary food for babies, it will do more harm than good. It is advisable to include semolina in the child's diet after one year and in small quantities. A dish flavored with butter can settle in the children's menu after three years. At this time, the enzymatic and digestive system will already be mature.