Relationships are not always smooth. Sometimes we ourselves cannot understand our heart. But there is no need to despair and close. Calm down and listen: perhaps the answer is just around the corner.

Step 1
Spend more time with the person. Whether walking, chatting or watching a movie. Listen to yourself: what do you feel, what you see in those eyes opposite? If the inner confusion does not go away, but, perhaps, only grows, move away from it.
Step 2
Spend some time without personal or full contact with the person. Day, two, week. As much as you need. Try to see how often you think of him with warmth or indifference. You have become interested in someone else while he is not around. Touch what connected you before: trips, common interests, stories, photographs, correspondence. Do not be meticulously looking for something "catchy". If it is, you will not miss it. You can also try to make lists of pros and cons. As a rule, very few people go for it. But even such a method cannot be immediately written off.
Step 3
Finally, after being away for a while, meet the person. What emotions did you experience when you saw him? Calmness or desire to hug, come closer and not let go anywhere. If you did not feel clear signs of a desire to be with him, apparently, the feeling has passed. Just let go and remember with a smile. If, on the contrary, just seeing him, you wanted to throw yourself into an embrace, even if you did not, then you became established in the strength and importance of your feelings. Live, love and be loved. But perhaps nothing has changed and the confusion has not gone away. In this case, if a person makes contact and also wants to help you, just try to talk, or give him the opportunity to help find such a ghostly answer for you.