How To Find Out About A Person's Feelings

How To Find Out About A Person's Feelings
How To Find Out About A Person's Feelings

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In a person's life there have probably been moments when he really wanted to understand: how sincere his interlocutor is, what he is thinking about now, what feelings he is experiencing. For example, a girl is very pleased to hear that she is loved, that for a guy she is the best in the world. And at the same time, where are the guarantees that the guy is telling the truth? How to sort out his feelings? It seems that he speaks sincerely, with warmth in his voice, and the smile is so kind, but you never know the cases when such lovers turned out to be deceivers! Here knowledge of facial expressions and gestures can come to the aid of the girl.

How to find out about a person's feelings
How to find out about a person's feelings


Step 1

Smile. How to distinguish when she is sincere, and when a guy only pretends that communicating with you gives him joy, overwhelms him with positive emotions? Follow it for centuries. If, when smiling, not only the corners of the mouth stretch, but also the eyelids move, the guy's feelings are almost certainly sincere, since the contraction of the muscles that "control" the eyelids occurs involuntarily. It is almost impossible to do it "on demand".

Step 2

Pay attention to his gaze. It is known that when a person speaks the truth, when he has nothing to hide from the interlocutor, he often looks into his eyes for a long time. And vice versa, he either tries to avert his gaze to the side, or looks at the floor, which means that for some reason he is deceiving and fears that he may be caught in a lie.

Step 3

Corners of the mouth. They can tell a lot! For example, if a guy just swore to you that he loves with all his heart, and now, when he listens to your words, he has one corner of his mouth raised, with a probability of 99% he lied, feeling at best condescending pity for you, at worst - frank contempt: they put noodles on the fool's ears, and she believes everything!

Step 4

If he tells you that he is happy, that everything is fine with him, and the corners of his mouth are down, as if “drooping”, his soul is clearly “scratching by cats”!

Step 5

The guy says that you are the best, close and dear for him, that he completely trusts you, and he keeps his arms crossed on his chest when talking? His feelings are most likely insincere: after all, such a posture is instinctively adopted by a person who distrusts the interlocutor, or even fears him. At best, if he tries: what, in fact, can be expected from this person? There are exceptions, of course, but very rarely.

Step 6

Or does he assure that he is brave, is afraid of nothing and no one, that he will protect you from any troubles and troubles, and he has a tense, frozen face, and he often licks his lips? This is a sign of insecure, timid people.

Step 7

Try to sort out his feelings using these tips. It is possible that this will save you from mistakes and disappointments. And most importantly, listen to your heart.
