Any child requires increased attention. Sometimes parents do not have a free minute for themselves. Of course, it is not worth sparing time for children, but household chores are not done by themselves. How to keep your child entertained while you cook dinner or iron your clothes?

- - water;
- - bath;
- - plastic dishes;
- - paper;
- - the pencils;
- - boxes;
- - old things;
- - buttons;
- - shells;
- - postcards.
Step 1
Ask your toddler to bring something from the next room. The attention of children quickly switches, therefore, in the process of searching for an object, he may be carried away by this or that game for a longer time.
Step 2
Fill a small tub with water and have your child wash the dishes (preferably plastic). Young children love to help their elders, so they are delighted with this request. You, in turn, will be able to calmly do household chores.
Step 3
Ask your child to draw a portrait of dad, grandmother, favorite pussy or dog. Drawing not only allows you to develop your child's creative talents, but also helps you to carve out free time.
Step 4
Every house has boxes or suitcases with old things. Take out at least one of them and allow your baby to dig into it. If old things are just trash for you, for a child it is a real treasure.
Step 5
Older children require more attention. Try to keep your baby busy with what is happening outside the window. To do this, put him on a windowsill, and he will entertain himself. The main thing is to make sure of its safety. The risk of falling from the window must be eliminated.
Step 6
Invite your child to sort out buttons, shells, pebbles, cones, postcards, and other little things. While he is laying out objects in piles, you can make an important call or watch TV.
Step 7
If the child is more than two years old, it is unlikely that he will be able to occupy him with the above methods. Here you should resort to educational games. For example, the game "Hot and cold". Hide the item and guide the player in the search. If he comes close to the hidden object, say the word "Hot". When moving away from the object, the player should say: "Cold". Thus, he will understand where the item is hidden.
Step 8
An interesting and developing lesson is drawing with both hands at the same time. The challenge is to draw two different shapes on one sheet. For example, the child draws a circle with his right hand, and a square with his left. And he starts and ends drawing at the same time.