Increased protein in the urine is called proteinuria. This disease can occur due to infectious diseases affecting the microscopic filters of the kidneys, or directly the entire organ. Very often proteinuria in children indicates the presence of a disease. Therefore, it is important to systematically take a baby's urine test in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

As a rule, proteinuria is not accompanied by obvious painful sensations. However, the presence of large amounts of protein in the urine leads to edema and high blood pressure. There are various types of proteinuria. Functional - appears in stressful situations, hypothermia, nervous disorders and allergic reactions.
Also, increased protein in the urine of a newborn baby is quite normal for a number of physiological reasons. This proteinuria is considered temporary and does not require medication. In the event that, along with the presence of protein in the urine, the child has other alarming symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. The fact is that the protein itself is a kind of indicator that indicates the presence of a disease in the body, therefore, it cannot be ignored in any case.
Correct collection of urine for analysis
In order for the result of the analysis to be reliable, the elementary rules for collecting the test material should be observed. Therefore, the baby's genitals and urine collection container must be kept clean. For this, the baby must be washed with baby soap without additives, or with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In doing so, it is important to ensure that soap or cotton wool does not remain on the child's genitals. Urine should be sent to the laboratory no later than three hours after collection. Please note that the urine container must be stored in a cool, dark place prior to examination.
What diseases does the presence of protein in the urine indicate?
The protein present in the urine of a baby may indicate the occurrence of the following diseases: hypertension, renal amyloidosis, renal vascular thrombosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, acute tubular necrosis, congestive kidney, Fanconi syndrome, lysozymuria, proteinuria overflow, chronic renal transplant rejection, hemoglobin transplant, hemoglobin transplant as well as diabetic glomerulosclerosis.
What is Orthostatic Proteinuria
Orthostatic proteinuria is a condition that occurs in older children. Such proteinuria contributes to the appearance of protein in the urine only during the period of child's activity. It turns out that protein somehow enters the urine directly during the day, which does not happen at rest at night. Thus, for the diagnosis of such proteinuria, a two-stage urine study is necessary, including its morning and afternoon collection. If protein is found in the daytime urine portion, but in the morning it is absent, then this will mean the appearance of orthostatic proteinuria. But do not worry, because this condition is normal and completely safe.