Almost every parent wants to make a person out of their child more successful than himself. Babies, almost from birth, are enrolled in various sections and circles, pools, and development centers. The child, elementary, does not have time for children's pranks, games and idleness.

Thanks to school lessons and additional activities, children often burn out quickly, refusing to attend sections, lessons at school, circles. To motivate a student to study, you need to try. First of all, the child needs to apply his knowledge in practice: you can let the child count the change in the store, show that counting is not so boring, conduct a little experiment, for example, with starch and iodine, or talk to him in a foreign language. There are actually a lot of options, the main thing is not to leave the child alone with his unwillingness to learn.
There is no need to be ashamed to study with your child, because it happens that children ask questions to which parents simply have no answers. In such cases, you can search together for information on the Internet, leaf through encyclopedias, or talk with competent people.
A good motivation to study can be a story about a prosperous person who achieved everything on his own, only thanks to his perseverance, craving for knowledge and efficiency. A bad grade is not always an indicator of a lack of knowledge. It so happens that a child is well versed in the material, but for some reason he is confused, frightened, unable to form a thought correctly.
It is important for parents to realize that the main thing in the learning process is not grades, but the knowledge gained. From time to time, situations arise when a child categorically refuses to go to school, and the point is not at all his laziness or not learned lessons. It may well be that he did not find a common language with the teacher, his classmates offend him, or some kind of conflict situation has occurred. A good parent should always be aware of all the events that happened to the child at school. Parents often have questions: is it necessary to help the student with his studies?
It is quite possible to help, but, in no case, do the lessons for him. Do not forget to praise a schoolchild's child for achievements: high marks, interesting essays and projects, an excellent performance in front of the class, or some kind of sporting success. Both primary school children and graduates need parental praise. In no case should you compare your child with more successful classmates, this behavior will completely discourage the desire to learn.