Some women complain almost with tears: in no way, in no way can they force their husbands. The following is a long list of claims, both small ones, such as: helping with cleaning, taking care of the child, doing minor repairs around the house, taking out the trash regularly, and large ones: finally doing the renovation of the apartment, buying them a new fur coat or jewelry, taking the family abroad. In general, the stubborn husbands got caught! How can you motivate a man to do something that a woman really needs?

Step 1
Remember: no harsh words or reproaches! Like, I can’t feel my legs under me, but you, a bum. Are you telling children an instructive parable about the magic word "please"? Why do you keep forgetting it yourself? Few men can resist a polite request, and even with the clarification: "You would help me this way!"
Step 2
Do you want your husbands to help you around the house? Legitimate and natural desire. Again, distribute responsibilities in a calm and polite tone: "I will do that, and you, please, do this …" Again, with the clarification: "It will be easier for you than for me, you are stronger!" Options: "You're taller!" (when it comes to dusting cabinets and top shelves) "You're so skillful!" (if you need to inspire him to do some minor fix). Remember: men also love to be praised, even when it comes to stating well-known facts - for example, that the average man is stronger and taller than the average woman.
Step 3
Well, if we are talking about large expenses, for example, about an expensive gift, or a trip to a resort. In no case do not rush headlong towards the goal! This is both stupid and simply not appropriate for women. Act "subtler", roundabout ways. The beginning of a conversation like this has a magical effect: "I understand, of course, that it is very expensive …" A little embarrassment in his voice, a downcast look - and a man in most cases will willingly agree: it is expensive, of course, but it's worth it! If only his beloved was happy and not worried!
Step 4
If you want him to do something around the house, just say, “You are such a good master for me! Just golden hands! And our crane has broken. You do? Believe me, after these words, he will go to do, because he does not want the opinion about him to change. Always act softly and without reproach.