Psychologists have long noticed that almost every family experiences crises at some point. It is believed that these difficult periods are due to family evolution. Some marriage unions do not stand up to trials, others - successfully survive them and enter a new round of development of relations.

First year of marriage crisis
As a rule, newlyweds try to build their own family according to a certain template. The family life of the parents is often taken as a model. If the spouses have these patterns very different, a showdown is inevitable. Quarrels are usually caused by different ideas about the roles of husband and wife, as well as differences in views and tastes. The lapping process can be quite painful, but at this point it is important to remember that this process is inevitable when choosing any partner. To keep the marriage alive, spouses must seek compromises. If someone categorically does not want to make concessions, the continuation of family life is unlikely.
Crisis 5 years of marriage
Most families have a child by the age of five. A crisis at this time usually occurs due to the fatigue of young parents and the difficulties they are going through trying to get used to this responsible social role. During this period, it is worth enlisting the help of loved ones with whom you can leave the child. This will allow you to take a break from household chores. In addition, the crisis of five years of marriage is often associated with the transition of passionate love to affectionate affection. At this moment, it is important not to let the sexual attraction fade away, otherwise the cooling in the relationship is inevitable. Career difficulties can also deepen the crisis.
Crisis 7 years of marriage
At this point, the spouses are fed up with each other and their environment. The children have grown up, their careers have stabilized, each day is similar to the previous one. The routine is addictive, leaving no room for romantic impulses. Husband and wife, comparing their dreams and reality, are disappointed. Some, in search of thrills, begin to have relationships on the side. To overcome the crisis of seven years, you can come up with a common family hobby or go on a trip. The novelty of impressions will overcome the dull monotony of existence and awaken sleeping feelings.
Crisis 15-20 years of marriage
After 15 years of living together, grinding in, career difficulties and even monotony are far behind. However, in many marriages there is truly a turning point: family relationships are shattered by a midlife crisis experienced by one or both spouses. Youth is over, but old age has not yet come. The material and family well-being achieved begins to lose its value. A person may feel trapped in family and career traps, feeling that they deserve something better. A general feeling of dissatisfaction can be exacerbated by the adolescence of children, who often become unruly and aggressive. Joint goals that will unite the family will help to successfully survive this crisis. It can be a new common cause: business, hobby, charity. In addition, you can arrange pleasant surprises for each other and try not to swear over trifles.