In pursuit of the ideals imposed by their surroundings, women forget that tele-advice and commercials have little to do with real life. And the men who are next to you may have a completely different opinion from what you used to believe to be correct.

Men can be crazy about what you consider a disadvantage, with which you are fighting in the name of perfection. In fact, many female "flaws" are liked by men. It's easier, of course, to ask your loved one directly in the forehead. Meanwhile, there is a list of the most common "shortcomings" that do not bother men.
Reasonable laziness
Nothing will happen if you spend half a day unwashed, but you will spend the evening watching a movie together. Of course, thrift and cleanliness are excellent qualities, but it will be difficult for a man to admire a driven horse. Reasonable laziness will add to you the cute feminine charm that many men like so much.
Elegant slovenliness
From childhood, we are told that a girl should be neat, and Hollywood beauties from TV screens constantly remind us that it would be nice to look like an impregnable snow queen at home. But many men speak fondly about the morning shaggy and about the stretched T-shirt sliding off the shoulder. Slight sloppiness can even be erotic.
A lot of important things and daily worries make a woman become practical and calculating. However, the ability to fool around, to commit frivolous acts is very popular with men. Well, they love women "with a fool in their heads." This allows them themselves, against such a background, to look responsible and prudent, attentive and perspicacious - truly masculine qualities in which it is not worth competing with them.
A good appetite
Women who constantly monitor their weight have ceased to enjoy the process of eating. Meanwhile, as the classic said: "Nothing brings together as much as cooking and eating together." Here the question immediately arises, can this woman enjoy life in general? And if a man prepared this food himself, then it is better to forget about calories and show with all your appearance that you are delighted!

Small completeness
There are, of course, men who love protruding bones, but there are very few of them. Men love forms. Dimples and bulges, curves and roundness. You should not bypass the fitness room or gorge yourself at night, but the representatives of the stronger sex quite like a little softness.
Cute wrinkles
Fortunately, knee-smooth faces are out of fashion. Light mimic wrinkles add expressiveness and emotion to the face. But the cold facelessness will scare anyone away.
Unburned areas of the body
Many women are very worried that they cannot, for various reasons, sunbathe naked and "white" areas remain on their wonderful bodies. But many men admit that these unburned places are very attractive and exciting to them.
Remember that before chasing fashion, you can simply ask your loved one what he likes. For whom, after all, you are trying.