There are many female flaws that are perceived by men as real strengths. Among them are extra, in the opinion of the young ladies, kilos, and a small chest, and an explosive character.

Many young ladies try to become perfect in everything in order to attract and delight their man. But psychologists have long proved that some female flaws, on the contrary, are madly in love with the stronger sex. Men even find them sexy, arousing. Among such female characteristics, six main ones can be distinguished, which are most often mentioned by young people.
Very often, ladies of different ages and complexions are worried about being overweight. Some girls are ready to give up all their favorite treats, just to become thin, like models on the covers of glossy magazines. They train for days and count every calorie in the meal eaten so as not to gain a single extra kilo.
Most often, efforts are made to look attractive in the eyes of a beloved man. It turned out that they were completely in vain. Ladies can easily afford to eat their favorite cream cakes for a good mood or skip sports training for a date with the chosen one.

Numerous thematic polls have shown that in the eyes of a man the ideal figure of the fair sex is 46-48 size with "juicy" forms. For example, hips - 100-110 cm, waist - 75-80 cm. Experts connected this result with the ideas of young people about women's health, laid in their heads by Mother Nature.
Small breasts
Statements from all sides about the mad love of men for huge breasts also create many complexes in the heads of modern girls. In fact, the tastes of the stronger sex are completely different.
Most men just like natural tightened breasts, regardless of their size. So it is better to take care of regular sports training that will keep your muscles in good shape, rather than dwelling on dreams of plastic surgery.
Minor imperfections
Men do not like and too perfect appearance. Veneers, "pout" lips, artificial breasts, hair extensions, eyelashes, nails - all this, rather, scares the stronger sex than attracts and excites. Many flaws in appearance, if desired, can be turned into individuality, a unique feature that will truly delight the woman's chosen one.
Of course, no man will refuse a delicious homemade dinner, a clean apartment and freshly ironed shirts. But this does not mean at all that a lady should spend all her free time on everyday life.
Thematic surveys showed that young people are pleased to know that a girl is ready to leave household chores for a walk or watching a movie together with her beloved. In addition, it is always better to spend time after work on rest and meet your soul mate in the evening rested in a great mood than with five dishes and a snow-white stove, but tired and irritated.
A good appetite
Many girls are sure that their great appetite is also a disadvantage. As a result, the young lady feeds her beloved with freshly baked pies, and she herself sadly chews boiled broccoli with grain breads. In reality, a chain involuntarily develops in the heads of men: excellent appetite, good health, strong offspring. Therefore, it is very pleasant for them to watch how their beloved eats with pleasure at dinner.
Psychologists even note that a joint tasty meal brings lovers together perfectly. And a woman's ability to enjoy food suggests that carnal pleasures are not alien to her.
Explosive nature
It often happens that a wayward, hot-tempered young lady begins with an effort to turn herself into a domestic obedient kitty, just to seem ideal in everything to a man. This is a huge female mistake.
The imperfect character, the ability to express their dissatisfaction with certain actions or situations, and even the touchiness of a girl are often liked by men. Rare representatives of the strongly sex want to see next to them an obedient, meek and uncomplaining woman who obeys him in everything.

Therefore, “breaking” yourself and your character for the sake of a man is definitely not worth it. You just need to find the very soul mate with whom the relationship will be happy and comfortable anyway.