Casual sex is sex with an unfamiliar partner with whom you do not meet all the time. According to public opinion, casual sex is mainly practiced by teenagers in discos, but in reality, this can happen to anyone, depending on the circumstances in which the person finds himself.

Best method of contraception
Sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner can threaten a woman, in addition to unwanted pregnancy, and other unpleasant things. For example, she can get sexually transmitted infections. That is why the best means of protection in this case is a condom, since only it guarantees almost one hundred percent protection from pregnancy and from sexually transmitted diseases.
The advantage of condoms for casual sexual intercourse is that they were originally developed specifically as a method of contraception for such cases. If once men said that their feelings were dulled by condoms, then, thanks to modern materials, such complaints can be considered almost unfounded. Low price and widespread availability make condoms the number one tool.
What else can be protected
It is not uncommon for couples to use interruption of intercourse. This method is especially popular when for some reason a condom was not at hand. Nevertheless, this type of contraception is the most ineffective; it also absolutely does not protect a woman from any diseases.
Keep in mind that in order to become pregnant, even the lubricant that is released from the man's penis during intercourse is enough. This lubricant usually contains sperm. An additional risk factor is the fact that the partner needs to control himself at the most crucial moment, not all men are capable of this. If you don't know this person well, then you cannot be sure of your safety.
Douching the vagina can help if only done in the very first minutes after intercourse has been completed. In the future, the effectiveness of the method tends to zero.
The so-called "safe days" method does not work, because it is almost impossible to accurately calculate the time of ovulation. If everything were simple with safe days, then there simply would not be so many healthy couples trying to conceive a child.
Discussing contraception with your partner
Some women find it embarrassing to discuss contraception with a partner. But if you don't know this person much, then you definitely cannot be sure of his health and ability to control himself. Think that in this situation, first of all, it is you who are at risk, since he will definitely not be able to get pregnant.
Post-intercourse emergency contraceptives, which some women frivolously hope for, are hormonal stress so severe that they can affect your women's health and their ability to have children later.
If your partner does not want to take care of your health and safety, then it is best to refuse intercourse with him.