Domestic rudeness is an incredibly widespread phenomenon in Russia. For some reason, many spouses believe that the appearance of love should be created only in the presence of strangers, and in private, you can humiliate and insult your partner in every possible way.

Step 1
Most often, women suffer from domestic rudeness. Husbands consider it possible to vent their anger on them for their failures at work, for disrespecting friends, and even for the loss of their favorite team. Most often, this behavior comes from childhood, the child saw how dad communicates with mom, and adopted this manner. It is quite difficult to deal with the rudeness of a spouse, but it is quite possible.
Step 2
The first thing a woman whose husband allows himself to be rude should do is to put him in his place. Say firmly that you do not allow such an attitude towards yourself. That you will only talk to your husband if he is respectful to you. In no case should you cry or shout nasty things in return. The home boor achieves an emotional reaction, he is waiting for it and is used to it. Break the mold, behave like an adult intelligent person. Show that you are above squabbling. This is the only way to put the raging spouse in place.
Step 3
If the boor does not calm down and continues to insult, leave the room for a while. Let him have time to think, to comprehend your words. Perhaps he will come to the conclusion that he does not like living with a strong woman, and will want to find a weak partner who will meekly endure all his bullying. But most likely, if a man loves you, and rudeness for him is not an ordinary state, but an accident, he will draw the right conclusions. And he will express his anger in the gym, and not on his beloved woman.
Step 4
If rudeness has turned into domestic terror - do not stay with such a person. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remake it. And it is not a fact that having become better, he will not return from time to time to his previous demeanor in the family. This is especially dangerous if there are children in the house who absorb everything said and done by their parents like a sponge. Therefore, find the strength in yourself to end this relationship and go in search of a worthy partner who will appreciate and respect you.