In order to arouse a man, a woman needs not only to know the art and technique of seduction, but also to look appropriate in order to delight the views of the stronger sex.

Is it possible to excite a man by exposing his body?
Some girls, trying to arouse men, act according to the rule that a woman should have a minimum of clothes and a maximum fit to a girl's body. In fact, this rule is categorically not true. According to psychologists, men rarely pay attention to open exposure of intimate parts of the body, which can discourage any desire. It is known that the less a man sees the body, the more actively his fantasy and imagination begins to act. If a guy does not see your chest or legs, he will subconsciously begin to imagine what exactly is hidden under your clothes, and this has a very exciting effect on the stronger sex. According to statistics, most men prefer to look at girls in long skirts and dresses with a slit at the hip or in tight jeans.
Catchy prints, such as leopard or peas, are completely contraindicated for the male gaze, because they quickly attract the eye, but also quickly tire it out. Floral ornaments and designs depicting rings have a very seductive effect. In addition, guys love it when a girl is dressed in bright colors.
It is known that in itself black clothes are not exciting, but if you combine them with bright accessories, for example, red, you can achieve a stunning result.
What else can you wear to turn a man on?
Before choosing seductive clothes, you should note for yourself the strengths and weaknesses of your figure, and then highlight your strengths and hide flaws. If you are short, do not wear clothes that suit leggy beauties. Visually increase the length of your own legs will help you with stiletto heels or just high heels.
Remember that sexy lingerie is the key to seducing the stronger sex. Do not neglect lace panties and open bras, give preference not to nylon tights, but stockings, perhaps even with garters. Thus, you can not only arouse a man, but also feel your sexuality and attractiveness, and this feeling will contribute to self-confidence and appropriate behavior.
Remember that a half-naked woman attracts a lot more masculine looks than a lady who is completely naked.