The time has come, and you and your husband decided to have a wonderful baby. Before you take such a responsible and important step, you need to carefully prepare your body for bearing a fetus. Now more and more people understand that pregnancy should not be sudden, but planned. This approach to childbirth will protect you from unnecessary risks during gestation and childbirth.

Step 1
The first thing to do when planning a pregnancy is to go for a consultation with a gynecologist. He will take swabs from your vagina, rectum, cervical and urethra. Also, the doctor will refer you to the delivery of such tests as: ultrasound, colposcopy, general urine analysis, general and biochemical blood tests, smears and blood tests for genital infections, blood sugar test, coagulogram, analysis to determine the blood group and Rh factor, analysis blood for hormones, etc.
Step 2
You will not be alone on most of the tests. Your spouse must also be examined. He will be tested for genital infections, spermogram and analysis to determine the Rh factor and blood group. If it turns out that you have a negative Rh factor and he has a positive one, you will be prescribed an antibody test.
Step 3
In addition to the gynecologist, you will have to visit a number of other doctors. You will need to get checked by a dentist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, allergist, etc. If any of your relatives have any hereditary diseases, you need to go for a consultation with a geneticist.
Step 4
The next step on the way to a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby is a complete rejection of bad habits. If you smoke, you should stop smoking several months before conception. The same applies to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Your husband should also lead a healthy lifestyle, on whom the health of the unborn child depends as much as on you.
Step 5
Pay attention to your diet. You must eat healthy and balanced. Avoid fast food, as well as too fatty and smoked foods. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits to fill your body with nutrients.
Consult with your gynecologist, perhaps he will prescribe vitamins with folic acid that you can drink 3-6 months before pregnancy as a prevention of fetal malformations.
Step 6
Starting directly to conception, remember that it is better not to have sex a couple of days before. You must choose the right time to conceive, and this is the third week after your period. Now all that is required of you is a positive attitude and faith that you will give birth to a healthy and happy baby.