For the full and harmonious development of children, they need to receive the entire set of vitamins. Each vitamin necessary for children affects different areas of their health, and among the whole complex of vitamins, the most important ones can be distinguished, on which the general condition of the body of young children depends. Among such important vitamins is vitamin D, the lack of which causes rickets. In sunny areas, children are not deficient in vitamin D, which is synthesized by UV rays, but what about parents whose children do not get enough sunlight?

Step 1
Vitamin D is found in ultraviolet rays. That is why ultraviolet irradiation is the best way to prevent rickets in young children. In addition, parents should include vitamin D in their child's food - it is found in milk, butter, yeast, as well as in special preparations and in fish oil.
Step 2
For the growing body of a child, for the proper development of tissues and skeleton, all products that contribute to the synthesis of vitamin D in the body are vital, therefore parents should pay special attention to the introduction of its sources into the child's diet and lifestyle.
Step 3
In addition, vitamin D increases the resistance of the child's body to various diseases, promotes the stability of the nervous system, and relieves children from poor sleep.
Step 4
Give your child vitamin D from both plant and animal sources. As often as possible, give the child the opportunity to be in the sun, take sun baths, while being in the shade, so that scattered ultraviolet light falls on the child's skin. In physiotherapy centers, children are irradiated with a quartz lamp.
Step 5
Include caviar, butter, egg yolks, the liver of fatty fish (cod, tuna, halibut), as well as the liver of mammals in the baby's diet. Fish oil, as mentioned, is an important source of this vitamin and can be given to children in capsule form. You can also use commercially available vitamin D supplements.
Step 6
Before giving your child vitamin D, consult with his doctor about the appropriateness of taking vitamins, so as not to cause an excess and hypervitaminosis.