The parents of the baby that appears are dreaming that he grows up healthy and develops correctly. To do this, it is necessary to consume the proper amount of vitamins and minerals, but their overdose is no less dangerous than a lack. This is especially true of a drug such as vitamin D for children.

This vitamin is synthesized by the body independently under the influence of sunlight. One of its main functions is calcium absorption. Without enough vitamin D, bones become weak, and rickets are more likely to develop at an early age.
Also, this vitamin is responsible for the state of the immune system, it increases blood clotting, is responsible for the smoothness of the skin. Therefore, one of the first signs of a lack of vitamin D is peeling of the skin, excessive sweating of the feet and the back of the head, hair loss in this place.
Despite the fact that the newborn receives a certain dose of the vitamin from the mother's milk, it is not enough to fully cover the needs of the body. After a child moves to a common table, his food is also not always so varied. The child's body itself, under the age of three, is not yet able to accumulate vitamin D in sufficient quantities. Therefore, during this period, it is often recommended to take a vitamin as a prophylaxis.
For the first time, vitamin D was found in fish oil in the first half of the last century. Then it was released in liquid form and its taste was quite peculiar. Therefore, many modern grandparents have one of the most unpleasant memories associated with taking this drug, which, due to the low concentration of the vitamin, was drunk with whole spoons. But even in that period there was a sharp decline in the incidence of rickets, which made children disabled.
Today vitamin D is produced for children in liquid form and it is very easy to take it. For older children, it is part of vitamin complexes. It is usually prescribed during the period of decreased solar activity from October to May. In areas where summers are overcast and short, this period may be lengthened. The recommended dose is prescribed by the pediatrician, taking into account the tests passed. The child does not always have a lack of vitamin D, sometimes there may be too much of it, which is also dangerous. Therefore, it is not worth deciding whether to give your child vitamin D on your own.