Vitamin D is produced by the body from birth, but this happens gradually. Babies are often prescribed to take pharmaceutical preparations containing a useful vitamin. In their body, a lack of a substance can cause rickets and disorders of the nervous system.

Vitamin D is naturally produced when exposed to sunlight. It is enough just to walk with the child in clear weather for 20-30 minutes daily. At the same time, it is important to turn the baby towards the light so that the sun's rays fall on his face and arms. But it happens that walks may not be enough to maintain the health of the child.
There is no consensus among doctors about whether all children under one year old should be given vitamin D. Domestic pediatricians adhere to the point of view in which all newborns in our country have manifestations of rickets, the difference is only in the severity of symptoms.
American and Canadian children's doctors believe that only children at risk are deficient in vitamin D: those living in northern countries, rarely on the streets and babies with dark skin.
Russia is considered a country with a harsh climate and a lack of sunny days in many regions.
Both medical groups agree on only one thing. It is necessary for breastfed children to take vitamin D if the mother has a chronic deficiency of it. If the baby is bottle-fed and the parents are using a good formula, essential vitamins are added to any variety. Additional vitamin D intake is not required.
Pediatricians in Russia prescribe small doses of pharmacy vitamin D as a prophylaxis for rickets and an individual dose for its treatment. As a prophylactic measure, it is given 1 drop 1 time per day during the entire autumn-winter period from September to May inclusive.
Drops are added to water or complementary foods, the solution is better absorbed with food. It is recommended to do this in the morning, before 12 noon. It is at this time that the child's body will assimilate the drug without much difficulty.
Some young mothers still note a negative reaction of an infant to drugs containing D2 and D3 (the Russian designation for vitamin D varieties). In this case, the question should be asked to the pediatrician, he must understand the situation and, possibly, cancel the intake of vitamin D.
The drug containing D2 is made on the basis of an oil solution, and D3 is based on an aqueous solution.
Doubting mothers will be helped by a child's blood test for calcium and phosphorus. A decrease in normal values in the analysis signals that there is not enough of these substances in the baby's body. To assimilate them, you need a sufficient amount of vitamin D.
Talk to your child's doctor, he observes the baby and is able to determine whether it is possible to do without taking the drug, or if the baby needs it. The consequences of rickets can be much more serious than mom's fears about taking vitamin D.
The initial stage of the disease is determined by poor sleep and restless behavior of the baby. Further, unfortunately, there are more serious symptoms, and it is better not to bring the situation to them.
The nutrition of a nursing mother should also be complete and varied, which will significantly reduce the risk of a vitamin deficiency in a child. Vitamin D is found in fish, liver, eggs and fatty meats. Exposure to the sun, a healthy diet and a relaxed atmosphere are very beneficial for the health of the mother and child, but it is still better to heed the advice of a pediatrician.