Statistics say that there are many more women on planet Earth than men. This ratio has always been. Perhaps that is why many future parents often puzzle over the question - how to conceive a boy? To help them, mankind has invented several fairly simple tips that significantly increase the chances of getting a long-awaited son.

An expectant mother who regrets conceiving a boy is advised to enrich her daily diet with sodium and potassium. Every day you need to eat up to 200 g of lean meat. It is useful to arrange mushroom and fish days, in which at least two dishes must be prepared from these products.
The minimum fruit is bananas, apricots, oranges and cherries. In the cold season, they can be replaced with dried fruits - dates and prunes.
The expectant mother should not deny herself sweets either - dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa powder can be eaten practically without restrictions.
Days for conceiving a boy
Conceiving a boy is the task of the Y-sperm, which are quick and easy to move. Their disadvantage is low protection against aggressive environment. So, if a woman has an environment with high acidity in her vagina, the Y-sperm can quickly die before reaching the egg.
Accurate determination of ovulation will increase the chances of conceiving a boy. It is important to have intercourse on the first day. If you hurry for a day, then by the time of ovulation, most Y-sperm will die, leaving only female sperm, whose chances of fertilizing an egg, in this case, increase.
The vitality of X-spermatozoa explains the advice to refrain from intercourse on the eve of ovulation. Even in a hostile environment, X-sperm can wait up to four days to ovulate.
Ovulation can be determined by special tests in combination with basal temperature tracking and ultrasound.
Boy conception pose
There is an opinion that for the conception of a boy it is better to have sex in a position in which the man is in the back. Doctors agree that in this case, the chances are slightly increased, because the penis is closest to the uterus, which shortens the path for the fastest Y-sperm. However, as practice shows, this recommendation does not give a 100% guarantee.
Increase the chances
There are a number of additional factors that can help increase your chances of having a son. And although they do not have a clear scientific basis, statistics stubbornly testify to their effectiveness.
- Under stress, intense excitement and under the influence of other traumatic situations, women most often conceive girls
- The activity and vitality of Y-sperm depends on the leadership qualities of the future father. As a rule, in families dominated by a man, boys are more often born
- Underweight women give birth to boys much less often than girls.
- Women who smoke are more likely to have girls
In vitro fertilization allows you to choose the sex of the unborn child. Of course, resorting to such an expensive and complex process is recommended only as a last resort - for example, when it is difficult to conceive.
The IVF procedure includes sorting sperm by "sex". Thus, if you do not take into account the human factor, the probability of conceiving a boy is 100%.