How do you know if a man is flirting with you? If you literally bathe in male attention and love to "shoot" with your eyes, you will probably figure out these intentions in a matter of minutes. If for you male interest is always something big, and you only expect a serious relationship, then it is much more difficult here, since a man's misunderstood intentions can subsequently bring disappointment.

Step 1
Observe closely how he behaves with other people in order to understand what the person wants from you. Perhaps he lavishes his attention and charm to the right and left, and this is his usual demeanor. Then this is just a sign of attention on his part and nothing more.
Step 2
Listen to the man: he constantly calls your name and showered with compliments, tries to flatter.
Step 3
Take a closer look at his movements: touches his face - touches his ear, lips, strokes his chin; runs his hand over his cheek and hair. He strokes his tie, corrects some imperceptible flaws in his clothes, tugs at his sleeves.
Step 4
Pay attention to the man's gaze and facial expressions. His gaze lingers on you a little longer than usual, he furtively searches for your gaze and at the same time can slightly push or run his tongue over his lips, bite his lips, tilt his head slightly to the side, raise an eyebrow, wink, and at the same time plays to the audience.
Step 5
Try to feel his attentions. He always listens to what you say and tries to show his approval. He brings his palms together, as if applauding you. Constantly leans towards you.
Step 6
Take a closer look at your posture. Seeing that you are looking at him, he stiffens himself, trying to appear slimmer and more impressive, spreads his elbows, visually enlarging his chest, puts his hands in his pocket, rests his hand against the wall at the level of his shoulder.
Step 7
Take into account the way a man contacts: touches you, accidentally or deliberately; trying to hug in a friendly way.
Step 8
Listen to his voice. When talking to you, he becomes deeper than usual, softer and quieter, so that you are forced to move closer to him.
Step 9
Observe the man's behavior. He is very gallant and helpful, trying to anticipate your desires. Entering into a conversation with you, he tries in every possible way to demonstrate his mind and talents. After some time, he can speculate on the topic of loneliness and his desire to find love, etc.
Step 10
Pay your attention to his clothes. The flirting master is always dressed to present his attractiveness and sexuality in a more favorable light.