Multiple pregnancies are rare in humans. Therefore, the birth of twins is considered a bright event in the life of a married couple. Sometimes their birth comes as a surprise to parents. But most often, the symptoms of multiple pregnancy can be calculated already in the first trimester.

Step 1
Even if a woman does not visit a gynecologist during pregnancy, she herself may reveal some signs of twins. For example, those who are carrying twins often experience increased fatigue. The stomach may also not be visible, and pregnancy makes itself felt through drowsiness, lethargy, apathy. A pregnant woman may have a feeling that her strength has suddenly left her, and she does not have enough energy for anything.
Step 2
Fatigue alone means little. But if it is accompanied by severe toxicosis, the likelihood of carrying twins increases. Multiple pregnancies can be accompanied by regular nausea and vomiting. These signs sometimes appear even in the third trimester. However, this indicator is individual - some women have severe toxicosis during gestation, others do not have it at all.
Step 3
Sometimes a woman can intuitively sense the signs of twins. The sixth sense is often confirmed by heredity. If the expectant mother had twins in her family or she herself is from twins, the likelihood of a multiple pregnancy is quite high for her.
Step 4
Very often, multiple pregnancies are accompanied by early fetal movements. Feelings similar to the tickling of the wings of a bird or the tail of a fish in women who are pregnant with twins may appear as early as 8-10 weeks. Although this symptom is not always confirmed, many pregnant women rely on it.
Step 5
In addition, the symptoms of multiple pregnancies are expressed in rapid weight gain. When carrying one child, an increase of 12, 5 kg in 9 months is considered the norm. If a woman is carrying twins, she can gain this weight in half the gestation period. This sign is also not reliable, since the increase in body weight may be associated with hormonal disruption, increased appetite or a sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman.
Step 6
Twins are often suspected if pregnancy is diagnosed too early. For example, the test was positive even before the delay, or just a week after conception.
Step 7
The easiest way to identify twins is when you visit a doctor. For example, when measuring the interval between the top of the uterus and the top of the pubis, the gestational age of the fetus may be higher than it actually is. That is, if 16 weeks have passed since conception, and the result of the study showed 25, most likely the pregnancy is multiple.
Step 8
Most accurately, pregnancy with twins is diagnosed by ultrasound. Ultrasound shows the result with an accuracy of 99.9%, especially in the second and third trimester.