You are holding a rosy-cheeked baby in your arms and catch yourself thinking that this little young lady is worthy of wearing the most beautiful female name. There are many opinions about the choice of female names. And the only correct name will be the one that your heart prompts.

Step 1
In honor of close relatives or respected people. Often a daughter is named after her grandmother, thereby endowing her with the best qualities of a relative's character. But in this case, you need to know about the belief: they say that in one family there should not be people with the same name, otherwise one of them will be deprived of a personal patron saint.
Step 2
According to the calendar! Church parishioners believe that the most correct choice of a name for a newborn is according to the calendar. That is, on the day of which saint the baby was born, that name is given to her.
Step 3
Horoscope. Increasingly, parents listen to astrological forecasts and pay attention to the baby's astral chart. Thus, if a girl was born, for example, on August 16, then she is a lion according to the horoscope. The characteristic features of this sign are leadership, power, strength. This means that the name should be bright, memorable, to match this imperious sign. Such female names include: Eleanor, Ariadne, Irina, etc.
Step 4
Provide a choice of name to the newborn. It seems at first glance that this is a crazy way of choosing a name, but, nevertheless, it is widely used among the masses. Write on the pieces of paper about 10 female names you like the most. Then take them, like cards, in one hand and let the baby choose one of the leaves. What name the baby will point to, so call her.
Step 5
According to the reference book. Bookstores sell publications dedicated to male and female names, their history and meaning. In these sources, you can find quite rare and beautiful names that are not heard by the people.
Step 6
Double names. If in Hollywood you will not surprise anyone with the practice of double names, then in Russia the fashion for double names written with a hyphen is very rare. Of the most famous, these are: Anna-Maria, Marie-Helena, Anna - Christina, etc.
Step 7
In any case, following a fashion or trying to find individuality, remember that with the name you choose, your girl will live. Be humane and stick with the name that your inner voice prompts you!