How To Schedule A Baby Boy

How To Schedule A Baby Boy
How To Schedule A Baby Boy

Having a baby is an important step in the life of every family. Many people wonder how to plan the birth of a child. Gender directly depends on the set of chromosomes and the order in which they are fused. If the merger happened in two XX, you will give birth to a girl, if YX, there will be a boy.

How to schedule a baby boy
How to schedule a baby boy

The essence of planning: basic patterns

Planning for the birth of a child has gained widespread popularity, becoming a kind of cult. More and more professionals are becoming experts in planning the sex of the child. In addition to medical methods, there is astrological planning, a system of diets, fortune-telling, rituals, times and days for conception. A lot of scientific works, practical techniques and methods have been devoted to the topic “How to plan the birth of a child”. Doctors are not unanimous in their decisions on this topic, because it is still unexplored.

If you have a strong desire to plan for a baby boy, there are many ways you can do it. It is believed that a diet that must be followed for 3 months immediately before conception will help in determining the appropriate gender for the baby. Here minus alternates with plus, because how to plan the birth of a boy without harming your health? You can resort to miscalculations of the moments of ovulation using temperature measurements. There are special tests that tell you how to plan your baby.

Chromosome type Y is much faster than the opposite chromosome X. Y has the shortest life span. X live much longer, so during ovulation they make their way to the egg. Here's how to schedule a baby boy.

Expert advice: good to know for parents-to-be

To get a 100% guarantee of the future sex, you need to consult with an experienced specialist on how to plan the birth of a child. It is the gynecologist who knows all the subtleties and will help you calculate the best option based on your wishes.

How to plan the birth of a boy, American scientists know, who argue that for this you need to have sex just before the day when ovulation occurs. It is advisable to do this on the day of the onset of ovulation or half a day before its onset.

In this method of planning the birth of a child, everything is simple and clear, but its effectiveness and feasibility has not been proven. Statistics say that 85% out of 100% of the planning is confirmed, but it can only be a fluke.

Despite this, if you do not know how to plan the birth of a child, but really want to, you will need to see a doctor. By drawing up an individual plan, you can check this randomness and draw conclusions about the statistics.
