Epidural anesthesia during childbirth has become the most common method of pain relief in recent years. Thanks to it, pain during labor is reduced or completely eliminated, which makes childbirth more comfortable and safe for the mother and baby.

Spinal anesthesia during childbirth
For spinal anesthesia, a thin catheter is inserted into the lower spine. It is used to deliver medicine for pain relief during labor, blocking the transmission of pain sensations along the nerve endings passing through the epidural space. For spinal anesthesia, narcotic analgesics and local anesthetics are used. The drugs administered do not affect the general condition of the woman in labor. Depending on the dose, pain relief can be complete or partial. Installation of a spinal anesthesia catheter takes about 10 minutes, and pain relief occurs 15-20 minutes after the administration of the drugs. After delivery, the catheter is removed.
Spinal anesthesia: indications for use
Different maternity wards have their own rules for the appointment of epidural anesthesia. Somewhere, to receive this service, only the patient's desire is needed, in other medical institutions the indication is only pain that worries the woman in labor. The timing of the onset of pain relief also varies. Epidural anesthesia can be prescribed both at the very beginning of the contractile activity of the uterus, and with a sufficient level of disclosure of its cervix (3-5 centimeters).
Epidural anesthesia and its contraindications
Among the contraindications for spinal anesthesia, there are bleeding disorders, infections in the area of catheter placement, weakness in labor, a large fetus, a narrow pelvis, low platelet count, and others. This issue should be discussed in advance with your doctor and anesthesiologist.