A wonderful feeling of love, it gives wings, you feel absolutely happy. There are only two in the world - him and you. However, time passes, the acuity of sensations is not the same, everyday problems have become at the fore You feel yourself starting to drift away. But do not despair, there is always a way out, and you can always find a common language with your beloved.

Step 1
First, remember the past. How did you spend evenings together, what you did, what music you listened to, what films you watched, what you talked about. And try to bring it to life again. For example, have a romantic dinner with past life elements. Almost no man can resist this.
Step 2
Give more warmth, especially when you're alone. Feel free to express your feelings in words, and it doesn't matter that he already knows perfectly well that you love him. Warmth and tenderness are never superfluous.
Step 3
If something doesn't suit you in your relationship, talk about it directly. Men, as a rule, do not understand hints, and therefore do not like them. But keep in mind that the conversation should be calm and well-reasoned, so prepare and tune in to the right wave in advance.
Step 4
Be tolerant of your man. If he wants to be quiet now, do not pester him with conversations or obsessive questions. Each person needs personal space, you need to be alone with yourself from time to time. The more you encroach on this space, the more it will move away from you.
Step 5
Learn to dialogue. Listen carefully to the point of view of your loved one, in no case interrupt or raise your voice. If he is wrong, let him know as gently as possible. Then your man will be sure that he will never be ridiculed for mistakes.
Step 6
Do not talk with your man only about painful things. He is not always interested in listening to your female problems. There are girlfriends for such conversations. Look for those topics of conversation that will be of interest to both of you, preferably not affecting everyday issues.
Step 7
Learn to listen carefully and with interest. Even if you have no idea what a driveshaft is and what they do with it, do not start yawning and saying that you are bored. For a man, the interest of his partner is very important. Who knows, maybe over time, his hobbies and interests will become yours.
Step 8
Trust your partner. Few people will like constant interrogations and complaints. Distrust destroys. Moreover, based on your personal speculation and too much of a fantasy. If there are no facts confirming your fears, then think about whether it is worth pestering him with questions. A man needs to be believed in him and in him.
Step 9
And most importantly, smile more. Be friendly, try to keep a good mood at all times, even if you are very tired. Remember that first of all, the well-being and peace in the house depends on the woman.