By getting married, the newlyweds sincerely believe and hope that they will have a strong, close-knit family. But no couple is immune to chilling feelings! Somehow the former ardor disappears imperceptibly, everything "becomes boring", it becomes routine, monotonous. Especially after the birth of a child, which takes a lot of time and effort. And the wife suddenly realizes with fright and indignation that she no longer attracts her husband, that he is increasingly looking at other women. How to return love to a family?

Step 1
Above all, refrain from feeling sorry for yourself. Say, I gave everything to this ungrateful one, but he!.. Do not look for sympathy from relatives, girlfriends. Believe me, from the fact that they will pity you, lamenting in chorus "oh, how unhappy you are, oh, what all the guys are bastards", nothing will change.
Step 2
Calmly, objectively and impartially analyze the reasons for the cooling of your husband. In most cases, having a frank conversation with your husband is very helpful. No need to pressure him - just calmly discuss the problems in the marriage, ask him about the reason for such a cold relationship. If he also wants to keep the family together, he will help to “kindle” your love.
Step 3
Shake yourself up and pull yourself together! Remember that it also depends on you whether love returns to the family or not. After all, the husband once singled out you from the countless number of women! This means that the same thing can happen now. Only devote the minimum amount of time you need to household chores. Believe me, no one has ever died from a slight disorder. The husband will quite calmly endure if, for example, the dust in the house is not wiped off every day. It is much more important if you have time to take care of yourself! Make an original hairstyle, update your wardrobe, paying special attention to lingerie.
Step 4
Become interesting for your husband, communicate more often on topics that are distracted from the family, spend free time together, attend cultural events.
Step 5
Do not forget the old wise truth: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." If you surprise your husband with unexpected, original dishes, delicately hinting that you have learned how to cook them especially for him, consider that half the battle has already been done.
Step 6
Be sure to involve your husband in caring for a small child! After all, this is his flesh and blood. He is quite capable of getting up to the child at least sometimes, rocking him, swaddling him. And do not forget to praise your husband, emphasizing what a good and caring father he is.
Step 7
In no case should you neglect the intimate side of life! Try to take the initiative yourself, read books on sex techniques. In a word, do everything to become the most desirable for your husband again.