This can happen in every family. Yesterday people were happy, lived in harmony with each other, friends considered them an ideal couple, and suddenly it was all over. The husband leaves for another woman, and life ceases to be the same. There are several effective methods by which you can try to bring him back to the family.

Step 1
First of all, you need to clearly decide for yourself whether you really want to return your husband. Throw away all emotions and stop crying and endlessly feeling sorry for yourself. Of course, there was a misfortune in your family, but maybe this is just an excuse to try to start a new life. Think carefully and decide for yourself: are you ready to fight or it would be better to leave everything as it is and come to terms with what happened.
Step 2
Try to analyze the unpleasant situation as soberly as possible. Try to find the root cause of your husband's behavior. Look for the reason in yourself, do not spare your feelings. Be as honest as possible to yourself, do not make excuses by shifting all the blame onto your husband.
Step 3
Remember: almost all men who have been married for a long time are used to comfort and stable relationships. It is much more difficult for them to build new relationships and change their way of life. Believe me, it is much easier for men to stay with a woman whom they have already studied and get used to than to rebuild a relationship.
Step 4
There are certain phrases that you should never say to your husband. They can only aggravate the current situation, but they will not help solve the problem. In no case threaten him to commit suicide and do not make "comic" suicide attempts to get his attention. By such actions you will not achieve the desired result, you will only alienate your husband. At some point, he may even begin to think that he did not leave you in vain.
Step 5
Don't try to pour alcohol on your grief. Under the influence of "fire water" you can start to commit rash acts. For example, call your husband or rival. These drunk calls or visits can even make your husband disgusted with you, but this is not what you wanted to achieve. Even in a sober state, do not bother him with numerous phone calls, especially do not threaten him.
Step 6
It is also not necessary to throw up scandals and stormy scenes at the meeting. Leave him alone, let him think it over and draw the right conclusions.
Step 7
Do not run to your mutual acquaintances in order to win them over to your side. Don't divide your social circle into "before" and "after" the breakup. Always try to be as neutral as possible about your opponent. Do not try to tell the whole world about her "mean" act.
Step 8
Find strength in yourself and evaluate your rival. Try to be as objective as possible. She may be younger, but experience and worldly wisdom are on your side. Is she attractive? And no one can prevent you, too, to take care of yourself and look impressive. Get his eye on those moments when you look simply stunning. Believe me, he will definitely feel a slight prick in the chest area.
Step 9
You have an undeniable advantage over your rival: you know your husband much better than she does. Incorporate the intuition that is common to every woman. During your life together, you have learned your man well, so even … he himself can tell you how to return him.
Step 10
Remember, your opponent is much more likely to make a fatal mistake. Let her, and not you, throw tantrums on your husband, impose her will and be jealous of him. Be patient. Time is on your side.
Step 11
Don't make revenge on your husband your reason for being. Just start living. It's time to remember your old hobby or passion. Start taking care of yourself, improve your self-esteem. Try to think positively, let the thought of how to return your beloved man to the background of your consciousness.
Step 12
Let your husband know calmly that you are very interested in continuing your relationship. Confirm to him that you have realized and understood all your past mistakes. Be willing to try to fix them and not repeat them in the future. Frankly admit to him how this separation hurts you, that you, of course, are very worried, but in no case blame the man for your suffering.
Step 13
Learn to forgive. After all, it is from mutual concessions that a long and lasting relationship is formed.