A man can promise to marry, but he himself does not. There is no cause for concern if these promises last no more than a few months. But if time passes, and the girl is still just a friend, and not a legal wife, then something should be changed in her life.

The couple has been dating for some time, it would seem that it's time to step on a new level of relationship, but for some reason the man is in no hurry. He only promises to marry. Is he really getting married or is he just wasting time? Is there a time limit for such promises?
Promises to marry last a month - that's okay. No matter how much a man and a woman meet, the month of promises is not a cause for concern. You can take this time as a trial period before an important event in your life and carefully weigh the pros and cons.
A few months
In the life of every person, unforeseen circumstances may arise that completely change plans. As they say, man proposes and God disposes. Therefore, you should not reproach your lover for the fact that so much time has passed, and the cherished wedding ring is not on your finger yet. However, it is worth taking a closer look at your partner, whether he really has any problems or is deliberately delaying this moment.
Year and more
There are couples who have been dating for years. The woman's love in them is supported by promises to marry. Some girls believe that a loved one really cannot get married now. They cannot and do not want to admit to themselves that dear and is not going to be legally married to her. So is it worth wasting the best years of your life on empty promises? Look back - what was interesting? And then evaluate objectively the real reality - it can be even more intense and not in the role of a partner, but in the role of a wife and mother.
Years go by, promises still sound. This is the very case when it will be a pity to spend time. So don't waste it any further. It is necessary to put this difficult question bluntly - will there be a wedding or not and set the exact date. Otherwise, your fate will not be envied.
All life
There are many cases in history when lovers met not even for several years, but almost all their lives. He promised to marry, and she was waiting for her finest hour. And all in vain. Don't repeat these mistakes. Even if it seems to you that you love Him very much, think, because there really is no reason that would prevent your loved one from marrying you. And if he has not done this until now, then he will not do it afterwards. So run away from him.
To start a new romance, you need to get rid of the old one. Start a new life with a new person, but don't drag out the wedding. You can discuss your plans for the future within a month after meeting. This time is quite enough to understand whether a man and a woman are suitable for each other.