Sometimes the question arises, tell the truth or keep silent, or maybe lie? It seems that the only correct answer is: you must always tell the truth. After all, deception is bad. But the truth is different.

If a person doubts his success, his capabilities. If he doubts whether he will succeed in his plans, is it worth reinforcing his uncertainty with the truth about his weaknesses and shortcomings? Or is it better to keep silent about them, and pay attention to the merits? And not to say anything about weaknesses or even to say that they do not exist, and all this is his suspiciousness. Which option will do the most good?
Therefore, before telling the purest truth, it is worth considering whether it will benefit or harm a person or relationships between people. One of the favorite questions in any couple is the question about the partner's ex-men or women. Is it really necessary to truthfully, honestly and in detail answer this question? For a relationship, it is much better to mention only briefly, without sentimental details, even if those memories are dear to your heart. It was and was, all this has already passed. That is why it is called the past.
In the examples given, it is quite obvious that some situations simply require the truth to be kept silent. And do not think that this is a deception and that it is bad. Yes, you should not deceive your loved one. In any situation, truth is better than lies. But this truth can also be said in different ways.
And if the truth should be said, but it is bitter and will not lead to anything good, then you need to think carefully before talking. Is this conversation really necessary? Who - you or your partner? How will it affect the relationship? What if you just leave it alone? If it is impossible not to touch upon, then what methods of presenting the truth are there? There are always several options. It is necessary to analyze which of them is the most painless, will not cause harm, pain and resentment.
And only after a thorough analysis of the situation and answers to all these questions to yourself, you can start a conversation. And remember: this is a loved one. Your goal should not be to dump the whole truth on him and leave him alone with it. Help him. Cheer up. Be there. And if a relationship is saturated with sincerity, tenderness and love, then even the most bitter truth will not destroy them. If, of course, it is said with that very love.
Better yet, think about it earlier. Before you commit acts, you need to think about how you will tell your loved one or beloved about them. And, perhaps, many mistakes can be avoided.