Marital relationships are not always perfect, and sometimes spouses begin to cheat on each other. This phenomenon happens quite often, however, you can find out about the appearance of a mistress by some changes in the behavior of a man.

Step 1
There are several signs by which you can calculate the fact of male infidelity. First of all, pay attention to how your lover takes care of himself. If earlier he was indifferent to his appearance, and now he suddenly decided to take up his own figure, began to get involved in sports, began to adhere to a diet, buy himself new clothes and perfume, most likely, a passion appeared in his life, for which he is trying.
Step 2
If your spouse used to come home all the time on time, but now he has begun to linger at work or is constantly on the road and on business trips, this may indicate that he is carried away by someone other than you and is spending time with a new girlfriend. To check what your husband is doing, try calling him at work when he is not at home and working hours are up. Come up with some good reason for such a call and say that you had to call the office because you had problems with your mobile phone and you could not get through to your spouse personally. Pay attention to the mileage of his car, maybe these numbers will also tell you something important.
Step 3
Your beloved's cell phone and laptop will also be able to give you at least some of the information you need. And you don't even have to check someone else's correspondence. Just ask your husband to give you his technique in order to go online or call someone. If your lover hesitates and tries to come up with an excuse for refusal, this may become a reason for some doubt. Watch whether your spouse is dropping phone calls, whether he is carried away by some kind of SMS correspondence, or whether he turns off the phone at home. This behavior should clearly raise your suspicion.
Step 4
The most important thing that you should pay attention to is whether there have been any changes in your intimate life. Maybe your husband has become less likely to pay attention to you or has learned something new that you have never tried together before. Pay attention to the body of your beloved man, maybe suspicious abrasions or scratches appeared on it, clearly hinting to you about his relationship with his mistress.
Step 5
If you notice any signs of betrayal of your spouse or just your beloved man, you do not need to immediately break off relations with him. Try to calmly talk about everything that worries you. Maybe you are cheating yourself in vain, and there will be some excuses for his behavior.