How To Name A Daughter

How To Name A Daughter
How To Name A Daughter

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Since ancient times, the name has played a huge role in human life. Someone believes that the name is endowed with a certain energy that is transmitted to a person. For some, naming is a way to honor the memory of an ancestor or a close saint. But most importantly, a name is a reflection of a person's individuality.

How to name a daughter
How to name a daughter


Step 1

The very first and most important rule is that you should like the name. It is generally accepted that a mother, while still carrying a child under her heart, feels what name will suit her baby. Therefore, each mother has the right to give a name according to her choice. The father gives the patronymic, the family gives the surname, and the name is what the mother can give her child herself. After all, he has to walk with this name all his life! And that is why it is so important that he likes the name. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot heed the advice of family or friends, especially if you yourself have doubts about this.

Step 2

When choosing a name for your daughter, do not forget that it should sound harmoniously and be combined with a surname and patronymic. For example, names like Dazdraperma, Kukutsapol, Polza, Trolebuzina (from Soviet times) are unlikely to serve the mental health of your child. And no less ridicule and tears will fall on the head of the bearers of names, inspired by the strange fashion of recent decades. So, in New Zealand, “caring” parents named their daughter “Covered bus stop number 16”, in England a man gave his daughter the name “A19”, and a couple of Russian parents have been suing the registry office for several years for the opportunity to name their son “BOCH RVF 260 thousand 602 . Do not forget that carriers of such strange names often become outcasts in the society of their peers, and sometimes commit suicide.

The second rule when choosing a harmonious name: do not forget that, in addition to the first name, the child will be called by his last name and patronymic. Therefore, carefully consider your decision to name your daughter Casey or Jacqueline, if the surname, for example, is Lysenko, and the patronymic is Zaurovna. Each surname and patronymic will sound even more beautiful if you choose the right name.

Step 3

Avoiding pretentiousness when choosing a name, do not go to the other extreme. Surely there were names in your class whose speakers were at least three or four people. In the fifties it was Galina, Olga, Tatiana, Svetlana, in the eighties - Elena, Ekaterina, Natalia. Now you probably won't find a sandbox without Sonya. Such names quickly lose their beauty, and their owners begin to be called by their last name or, even worse, given a nickname. Thus, the name simply loses its meaning.

However, it is psychologically very difficult for some people to break out of a very narrow circle of those names that were customary to call their daughters in the past few decades: Elena, Olga, Natalia, Ekaterina, Julia, Marina, Anna and no more than two dozen names throughout the country. Christina, Karina, Polina, Diana - even these simple names seem extraordinary to some. Therefore, be brave, even if your husband came home limp because conservative colleagues laughed at your choice.

Step 4

What name should you choose? In fact, the choice is huge. It is best to choose from the names of the peoples of the country in which you live. For the last decade, Old Slavonic names have come into vogue. More and more often you can find such beautiful names as Radmila, Varvara, Miloslava. On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of dictionaries of Old Slavonic names - there are thousands of options. The same can be said about the names of other peoples.

Step 5

In the event that you are fond of esotericism, do not forget to read the relevant literature about the meanings of names. Sometimes unexpected surprises can await you there.

Step 6

If you are an Orthodox person, do not forget to look at the Svyattsy. According to the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to give names in honor of the saint, on the day of memory of which a baby is born or baptized. If there is no same-sex saint on this day, a deviation of three days in any direction is allowed. However, this is a tradition, it is not obligatory.

Step 7

If you have already chosen a wonderful name for your baby, do not forget to check it in the pronunciation of the child himself. As you know, many children still in kindergarten lure. And even the beautiful name Rada may not always sound euphonious: Yada, Gada, Lada, Ada. Well, and of course, think in advance what pet name you will give your baby. It is not always easier to pronounce an abbreviated name than a full one.
